Again, no looking back means letting go! TR See if you can find the supplements in chewy gummies … taste just like candy. :whistle: I noticed C+ Zinc , Turmeric, Black Elderberry + C & Zinc … are now in chewy gummies … I would love to see garlic as a gummie. :mdrmdr: I agree with Church Gal on being careful of fat soluble vitamins. They can build up in the body. As she recommended, eat lots of colorful fruits and veggies. Whole grains and nuts are good. Stay hydrated because the chemical reactions that naturally occur in your body will be hindered otherwise. Avoid processed foods. Sunlight, exercise, and good company are important. Mainly stay in the Word, walk in prayer, and keep looking up. As Yohanan reminded us, absent from the body, present with the Lord. As far as other treatments and therapies, I’ll defer to Tammie and Church Gal on that. I’ve already given you my take on the jab. God Bless. Hope to see you soon! And furthermore, eat chocolate and get a dog or cat to love. Drinks a cup or two of coffee! I gave myself a thumbs up on that! Also, read the ingredients on packaging. If you can’t pronounce some of them, maybe you shouldn’t be eating it. For instance, Daisy cottage cheese contains just cultured skim milk, cream, and salt. If you dare, look at some of the ingredients on many other brands of cottage cheese. Maltodextrin and other tongue twisters. Stay away from hydrogenated oils. Hydrogen has been added under pressure to change the liquid oil into a solid. Fake fat. They do that because it’s easier to work with, and even the bacteria don’t like it as well. Cool whip and margarine are prime examples of these bad foods. Stick with butter and ReadyWhip. It is believed that hydrogenated oils are a main culprit in clogging arteries and making leaky cell membranes. I thought the government was going to ban hydrogenated oils, but I keep seeing it on packaging. Also, esterified is another to avoid in my opinion. Why are they always wanting to rearrange God’s molecules?!?! Just stay away from highly processed foods. Hopefully none of this matters and we are outta here soon. We must be at the Red Sea by all indications Thank you, Perhaps Today! That made me laugh out loud! Oh, my! Gummie vitamins! No way could I do those. They'd ALL be eaten in one day! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:
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