Coronavirus Talk v....
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Coronavirus Talk v.11

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-fair use for educational purposes and comment-

article with quotes from former Surgeon General to CNN that goes into more detail about what geri's post is talking about

anyone feel like a little kid of an abusive parent - being scolded for not being able to be trusted to do what the delusional/drunk (on power & greed) grown up told them to do even though they previously told them the exact opposite and continually change their "reasons" and rules and instead have confusing and ridiculous expectations...

as my husband explains- these governmental agencies/employees/representatives etc. are supposed to be working for's like someone hired a strict babysitter for us instead of being treated like adults who have chosen to empower competent servant leaders for protection of our freedom...but God knows, God knew...He is allowing this...He is in control...He is good...He is able...

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests by made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Phil. 4:6-7     (i need to remind myself of this more often!!)


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LOZ — I have gone from anger to frustration to feelings of being ashamed at my colleagues in medicine and back to anger. It has been obvious to anyone with eyes to see this is a chemical bio-weapon and now we know the chemical — Graphene Oxide, a poison to mankind. This was never a virus, it did not act like a virus, nor did it adapt like a virus. You are correct people did die but not because of a virus, because of a chemical warfare let loose on us and the leftist elites are backing it 100% — that is evil incarnate. The Vaxx is propagating the poisonous chemical as an ongoing poison, because for many our bodies product the Glutathione that helps break this poison down (the young, the athletics and very active individuals w/o health issues). Ok— so I have given them to God and will let Him deal with them — He justice and mercy are far greater than I am capable of at this point — it hits me like the abortion issue — they are killing innocent people and many more will die as this continues to be blindly accepted…. This “Delta” variant is fake as well. :prayer-hands:

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And Franklin was quoted as promoting the Vax — that is sad — will be praying for Jonathan Lotz…

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So here is the new #1 hit for country music that has liberals going nuts…. this is a cleaned up version from the original F-bomb version — it will make you cry — but you are not the only one …

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Keep wrestling with your demons, rather than snuggling with them!


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Well said Tammie, I guess all of our reactions of realising the (or some) of the truth is a a natural reaction.

But I'm trying to remember that God forsaw this before Creation, ergo, He knows who will come to Salvation before they die.

It gives me greater motivation to let family and friends know they can be Saved.

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The hypocrisy and insanity is off the charts and will continue of course. This article proves the vaccine is completely useless against Covid and it's all about conformity.


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I really think the insanity, hypocrisy and stupidity is designed to make us rebel and overthrow "the wicked world system."

These people are thoroughly wicked but they certainly aren't this incompetent. It's the only way I can make sense of it all.

Methinks all these breadcrumbs they are dropping are designed to make so furious that we finally snap. :wacko:

It is my belief that we will be out of here before the "Berlin Wall" comes crashing down.

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Agreed Arthur!! My husband and I were talking about this earlier and it seems like someone at the helm of the world just said "ok, start mandating everything as fast as you can....because each country in the midst of internal turmoil is easy to take over"

Keep looking up, I can see the Red Sea and pharoahs army!! But Jesus is coming!!

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