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Interesting short clip


One comment was:

“The endgame is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, after the rapture.”


I was pondering this … we’ve been taught it doesn’t happen until mid point … but we know they want to make everyone, who is left behind transhuman (Ai), so can you picture it after the rapture and the chaos of missing people having vanished … they might use this event as an excuse for … we need to track you … to keep you safe.   Its for your own good … to find you quickly so you don’t disappear either …

What are your thoughts?

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I wanted to add … they will use fear to get people to line up for some tracking device … perhaps its not the mark of the beast yet but some chip might be implanted? :unsure:

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Good point that the Mark isn't given until the mid point of the Trib so what will transpire between now and then, or even between now and the Rapture? 3 1/2 years is still a long stretch of time and we see how they are conditioning us towards that goal.

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Dr. Mercola
This May Become the ‘Dark Winter’ Biden Warned About

Ever since the rollout of the COVID shots, there have been suspicions that some kind of shedding is happening between the jabbed and the unjabbed. With mass flu vaccination, the possibility of transmission is further exacerbated, and there’s no telling what kind of viral mutations the combination of a bivalent COVID jab and a quadrivalent flu shot might produce.

A study published January 18, 2018, in the journal PNAS showed that people who receive the seasonal flu shot and then contract influenza excrete infectious influenza viruses through their breath.

What’s more, those vaccinated two seasons in a row had a greater viral load of shedding influenza A viruses. According to the authors, “We observed 6.3 times more aerosol shedding among cases with vaccination in the current and previous season compared with having no vaccination in those two seasons.”

This study also highlighted the possibility that annual flu vaccination might lead to reduced protection against influenza over time, and that each vaccination can make you progressively more prone to getting sick. That, again, is the original antigenic sin phenomenon discussed above.

Now, combine the possibility of antigenic sin for COVID with the antigenic sin for influenza, and what might we end up with? Who knows? Research has also shown that priming your immune system with influenza vaccine can make you more susceptible to bacterial infections as well, and what are face masks loaded with? Bacteria.

Taken together, we could well be facing the “dark winter” president Biden warned would befall the unvaccinated last year. But it’ll be those with COVID booster and quadrivalent flu shots who will suffer the most. The rest of us will hopefully avoid problems provided we keep our immune systems strong.

Both Shots Are Associated With Serious Side Effects
On top of the antigenic sin possibility for both the COVID jab and the flu vaccine, there’s the possibility of suffering serious side effects from either or both of these shots. Before the advent of the COVID jab, injury following influenza vaccination was the most compensated claim in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

Between January 1, 2006, and December 31, 2019, a total of 5,407 injury claims for flu vaccine were filed, 4,614 of which were compensated. Based on VICP injury filings and awards, the flu vaccine was the riskiest vaccine out there. The COVID jab, however, blew the flu shot out of the water within the first few weeks of use.

As of September 2, 2022, just 21 months into the COVID jabs existence, 1,400,350 post-jab injuries have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

So, this fall, they’re telling people to line up for the two riskiest and deadliest injections out there. In my view, this is reckless beyond belief, and I would caution against this strategy. Disturbingly, media are stating that getting the flu shot and the COVID jab at the same time is “safe.” Yet there are absolutely NO data to support such a claim. It’s pure assumption.


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Large Vax Centre, University of West of England, Bristol Closed Down, By The People


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Some Jewish vaxxx history

Caution: Some Gross Images and Shocking Video Clips

Fair Use

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Looks like they are starting to spin the propaganda machine to start vilifying the Jews, just like in the US the left is starting to call all Christians the "radical nationalists"......people will fall for it, especially after the rapture there will be no established Christians around to refute it. Since Iran blames Israel for literally everything, I figured they would also blame them for the rapture and use that as an added reason for the attack of GMG.

Don't get me wrong, there can be some evil people who have Jewish lineage or even consider themselves secular Jews like Soros and Yuval Harari (schwab's evil little todie) but this video attacking them collectively is like saying all Christians are like any of the famous Christians who have been less than Christ like, I can think of a lot of names but you get the gist.  It worries me because there is legitimacy for the concern about the vaccine, and I am confident that there is plenty of nationalities implicated in the development. My guess would be the WEF, UN and the Bilderburg group.

Strangely it may be a blessing in disguise to the left behind......if they suffer events and death from the vaccine during the trib, it would likely be considered a relief in the midst of the wrath of  God and the cruelty and persecution of the antichrist.......  all things work together for good, to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. :yes:

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I appreciate your input.

The video is not spinning anything, but depicting a collection of facts.

Many of them saying in the video are jewish themselves.

Please, let me know if there is any evident spin in that video.

According to what I gathered, the WEF has been leading the last 2 and a half year's BS.

That Schwab is from a Rothchild (Evil jewish dynasty, majority of new world order BS is from them) mother and a Nazi father, by current definition he is a jew.

I am not saying that everything bad is jewish, but many are.

These jewish villains are Waaaaaay over represented considering of their numbers.

But I am trying to say is

Until the last part of the tribulation the corporate jewry are anti Christian in nature.

And the current Judaism is not based on Torah but evil talmud.

The talmud is basis of the jewish supremacist.

In that psychopathic book teaches gentiles are human form of beast/cattle.

Since gentiles are not actually humans like themselves, they (jewish faction of gloablists and some regulars) can do anything without much guilt.

Gentiles are here for serving jews.

Also, allegedly in that dirty book, "Jesus said to him: He is punished with boiling excrement."

Do you know the book of Daniel is banned in Israel's many (maybe all) religious universities?

Because once they read it, it is very easy for them to figure out Jesus is the Messiah.


Many Christians in the US have a wrong impressions of jews.

After the Cross, there is no gentile or jews but we (saved) become one New Man.

Evidently we are not to discriminate jews but we need to treat them just like any other human beings. But I noticed many of us are displaying, whether you recognized it or not, unmerited favoritism and voluntary servitude toward the jews. There is no biblical basis for that since God is no respecter of persons. Please, do not quote " I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."



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Please, do not quote ” I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

That's a really messed up request, So Ready!!

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I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. NKJV Gen 12:3

Point being, we do quote scripture here and should never be told not to.


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