I can't believe you never watched Happy Days! Lol. 'Twas a good show until the Fonz literally jumped the shark. Then it was all downhill from there. :wacko:
Nearly 300,000 dead from the vaxxxes in the USA?
prayed, Todd
my cousin's husband and son have covid. my cousin is negative, but she has a compromised immune system so it would be very hard on her if she got it. a friend's son has covid also. prayers please.
Prayers sent! :prayer-hands:
New York Times: COVID Boosters May Cause 'Immune System Fatigue,' Compromise Ability to Fight Virus:
“JERUSALEM — Israel is considering whether to approve a fourth Covid-19 vaccine dose for vulnerable people to contain the fast-spreading Omicron variant, despite debate among scientists and a lack of evidence either for or against another booster.
The panel of experts advising the Israeli government on the pandemic recognized that uncertainty, but on Tuesday it recommended giving a fourth dose, concluding that the potential benefits outweighed the risks. It pointed to signs of waning immunity a few months after the third shot, and said that any delay in additional doses might prove too late to protect those most at risk.
But some scientists warned that the plan could backfire, because too many shots might cause a sort of immune system fatigue, compromising the body’s ability to fight the coronavirus. A few members of the government’s advisory panel raised that concern with respect to the elderly, according to a written summary of the discussion obtained by The New York Times.”
This comes after the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) found that an overwhelming majority of Omicron cases in the United States were in “fully vaccinated” people, as National File previously reported.
Bombshell: New Zealand Pays $1000 to Doctors For Euthanizing COVID-19 Patients:
New Zealand’s Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed that COVID-19 patients may be eligible for assisted suicide. Additionally, the government will pay about $1087 to doctors for each patient they euthanize, according to Stuff, the island nation’s most popular newspaper.
Baroness Finlay of Llandaff, a UK professor of palliative medicine, told the Herald that the EOLCA betrays the fundamental principles of bioethics.
“It is bizarre that a country which has been trying to protect its citizens by closing down completely from a virus from which people can fully recover…is now suggesting that these patients should be killed by their doctors,” Finlay said. “It turns the ethos of medicine on its head.”
“You really cannot predict death 100 percent,” she added. “So why not support them while they are dying and leave the door open in case they are in the group that defies all odds and recovers completely?”
Good news here. :good:
Petrified To Speak Out, For Fear of Losing Their Jobs
What I find most telling about this clip is the deathly silence from the female staff when asked a question.
A perfect metaphor for the state of the NHS & the state of the country. Petrified to speak out, for fear of losing their jobs.
Free country??
“Fair Use For Education and Discussion Purposes”
Loz :]
This won't play for me Loz.
Try this link Kolleen