Coronavirus Talk 25
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Coronavirus Talk 25

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While some politicians paint an argument of 90% vaxxed and 10 % killing off the world!


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They say their goal is 70% but if that is reached, they'll say 90%. Of course we all know their goal really is 100%.

The luciferian micromanagers crave total control. I can't wait until Almighty God crushes them like bugs. :good:

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Dr. Robert Malone banned from Twitter today. They really don't want dissenting opinions out there, it would seem.

Patricia N.
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Watch: Fauci Admits Mandates Are "Just A Mechanism" To Get More People Vaccinated:

In an appearance Sunday Anthony Fauci admitted that vaccine mandates are merely a “mechanism” to coerce more Americans to take shots.

Appearing on ABC Sunday, Fauci noted “A vaccine requirement for a person getting on the plane is just another level of getting people to have a mechanism that would spur them to get vaccinated.”

The comments came as part of a discussion on applying vaccine mandates to air travel.

Far from following any ‘science’, Fauci admitted that “anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome.”

Patricia N.
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COVID Lockdowns Will Be Remembered As One Of The Greatest Policy Failures Ever:

A team of researchers with the National Bureau of Economic Research “failed to find” any evidence that lockdowns led to a reduction in the covid death rate. In fact, the researchers—who examined data from forty-three countries and all US states—found that lockdowns were positively correlated with a higher total death rate. That preventing people from engaging in work, school, and socialization would cause widespread suffering is hardly surprising. Sadly, Nevadans are all too familiar with this fact.

Governor Steve Sisolak’s lockdowns did nothing to stop covid. They did, however, inflict widespread harm upon working-class Nevadans. A recent analysis from the Pew Charitable Trusts found that Nevada’s prime-age employment rate dropped a full 10 percentage points from 2019 to 2021. In other words, ten out of every hundred prime-working-age Nevadans that were employed in the spring of 2019 are now out of a job. This was by far the highest rate of job loss found in any state nationwide, and triple the average rate found among the other forty-nine US states.

As bad as that is, nothing compares to the harm that Sisolak’s failed policies inflicted on children. School closures caused massive learning loss, which can have compounding deleterious effects that lead to reduced future earnings, an increased poverty rate, and even reduced life expectancy. Rates of mental health issues among children, including acts of intentional self-harm, have skyrocketed.

These horrific costs were imposed without any corresponding benefits. As even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now admits, “COVID-19 transmission does not appear to be demonstrably more frequent in schools than in noneducational settings.” A more rigorous study published later by the Journal of Global Health found that “children and adolescents had lower odds of infection in educational-settings compared to community and household clusters.” In other words, school shutdowns did nothing to stop the spread of covid.

Lockdowns and school closures will go down as one of the worst peacetime policy disasters of all time. Nevadans need political leaders who acknowledge this fact, rather than those who would be willing to repeat such catastrophes.

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I worked in the ER last night....we admitted a patient who is a male, 28 yo in basically decent health, a little overweight....had received both initial vax and then booster in August...admitted him for covid and he is needing supplemental oxygen.

We all agree that in the short term the vax could have devastating side effects but we also know many people that did okay....and while we suspect that ultimately it is not a good thing for our health, I have been wanting to observe the longer term effects myself.....I know we had all heard about the suspicions that immunity would decrease by a such and such percentage with each subsequent vax and the passage of time but I wanted to continue to be as objective as I could while observing long term effects.

A few things I can say that I have observed with my own experience in the ER the last several months...... there are few cases of covid that actually need admitted to the hospital, and now increasingly more and more of them are vaxxed; probably 70% of the patients that come to the hospital are 50+ and have been vaxxed and most of the complaints are heart issues, cancer recurrence or worsening, strokes and lots of falls (dizziness)..but causing lots of serious injuries.

Even five years ago, it would be extremely rare to admit a 28 yo for any virus or even pneumonia requiring oxygen...unless they had serious underlying health conditions or drug use. So for us to have to admit this one leads suspicion to decreasing immunity with each subsequent vax. I know that complete conclusions can not be reached on one case but while the media is shouting it is the fault of the omicron variant....but local hospitals don't even have different tests to test for variants including delta or omicron!!! It suggests that they are designating the variant to explain why vaccinated people are getting sick, instead of the real possibility that the vax is making the immune system fail to protect against any virus or illness. Also we have started seeing influenza A again, strangely at the same time..

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My family is still reeling from the loss of a neighbor of 44 years and a close friend. She was in the hospital for covid. She was fully vaxxxed including booster. She died Dec 20th and her funeral was yesterday. This is the third fully vaxxxed person I know who has died from covid.

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Sorry to hear that, Yohanan. 🙁


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Was she a lover of God?!

My condolences as well!

The finality of death is always hard to comprehend, yet for those that believe it is simply a portal stepping out of time into eternity!

Thanks be to the Lord we will have occasion to be reunited with many loved ones!


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She was a devout Christian who asked all she meet if they knew Jesus. I know where she is and I’m thrilled for her! I’d gladly trade places but I know she wouldn’t even consider it. But her loss is hard and those who have perpetrated this mess have an awful lot of blood on their hands that they will stand accountable for.

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