Coronavirus Talk 22
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Coronavirus Talk 22

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That's what they call "Science" Arthur. You are not trusting the science.

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That should be 100 euros minus whatever senior's discount they have in Greece.

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The $cience?

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William Shakespeare came to get vaccinated.

Nurse: Which arm?

Shakespeare: As You Like It

Nurse: Was that painful?

Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing

Nurse: You will have to have a second jab.

Shakespeare: Measure For Measure

Nurse: So what do you think of the general awareness with regard to Covid?

Shakespeare: Comedy Of Errors

Nurse: I heard your wife Anne decided to get vaccinated in the company of her friends?

Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of Windsor

Nurse: Did you try convincing her?

Shakespeare: Love’s Labour Lost

Nurse: Wouldn’t she listen to you?

Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Nurse: So what happened at the other vaccination centre?

Shakespeare: The Tempest

Nurse: But it worked out?

Shakespeare: The Taming Of The Shrew

Nurse: So it is okay then?

Shakespeare: All’s Well That Ends Well

Shakespeare: Will I have any adverse effects?

Nurse:. Wait until The Twelfth Night

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I was just being silly Arthur. Just saying there is probably science behind having to get the vax if you are over 60 and if not, there is certain amount you have to pay.

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The Omicron scariant is extremely mild. I believe this is the beginning of the end for the coronafraud. How is New York State going to look after declaring a state of emergency over it? Other countries are locking their borders.

I really do think they are letting it be exposed as the farce that it truly is. The fall of the fake evil nwo is coming soon and our departure sooner.

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FUZZY science when real science does'nt work!


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The wicked government of BC is now imposing restrictions on churches.

No restrictions if everyone is vaxxxed, of course. 50% capacity and masks (if not anti-socially distanced) if not. :negative:

Just a way to try to divide the church. The wicked elite know that the majority of people who reject the toxic gene therapy cocktail are Christians.

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Arthur, the idea of a fake new world order being replaced by "the" new world order, was something I didn't know what to make of. Tonight I saw a broadcast I think is from India, at least the headquarters is in New Delhi. its TWIO News. The World Is One News. Calling for accountability over how money is spent that is gathered in the name of covid response, and gasp, to hold Justin Trudeau to account. Sounds like the one world can be managed better...

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It was E-511 Ministries that introduced the idea and it made perfect sense to me. He is mid-trib though, so you have to filter out some things. On the whole, though, he is solid. (Just misguided escatologically.)

I believe they want us to participate in the overthrowing of the old world order. The one run by bankers, big pharm, the Rockefellers, Soros, Gates, etc. The old world order will collapse on purpose. All their leaders will be arrested and be fake executed. (Using cgi, of course. They'll be whisked away to underground bunkers.)

With that all done, the "good guys" will announce the creation of a golden age of humanity where peace, love and tolerance will be a reality. This will be the Antichrist kingdom. It will pose as a good, virtuous kingdom that is nothing like the boot on your neck tyrrany that people are expecting. Many will be deceived.

The trick is that the old world order and new world order people are the same people. The old world order people (Gates, Soros, Swaub, etc. will have to go underground but they will still be actively working with the Antichrist in the background.

I believe things will get crazier before the Rapture but our Blessed Hope will happen before the overthrow of the Old World Order. All the fake Christians (like Dominionists/Kingdom Now/New Apostolic Reformation) will help explain away the Rapture and announce that this is the prophesized millennial Kingdom.

For me, it is the only way to explain all the nuttiness going on with fake elections and the coronafraud.

Whatever the case, Almighty God is in control and has a perfect plan. He'll take care of us. :good:

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