Coronavirus Talk 18
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Coronavirus Talk 18

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Illustrious Member
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Carry on!

Previous thread here.

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Version 18, already? Let this be the last.

Soon we won't have to deal with the coronafraud ever again. There won't be any sickness or death, lies or deceit nor any wickedness or desire to control others. All those things will be quarantined forever, far away from us.

Just a never ending paradise with a Wonderful God and the redeemed from all ages. :yahoo:

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Absolutely and AMEN! I truly hope this is the last time we need a new thread for this topic. At this point I feel bold enough to say that we are all ready for the return of our King!

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I saw a flyer at work about a C19 pop up vax clinic. Here is some of the stuff it mentioned:

youth friendly pop-up vax clinic

Free ice cream and live DJ

If this is your first dose, you will be entered for a chance to win zoo tickets for you and your family

Bring a friend along for their first dose and be entered to win $25 - $50 gift certificates (this one is horrible!)


A few months ago we got an email about a psychiatric hospital that is offering vax clinics for people who have anxiety problems and are afraid of needles:

(forgot the exact wording, but this is what they were saying)

quiet rooms to wait

medical equipment will be taken out of sight

bring someone along to distract you or a staff will distract you while you are getting the shot

you can touch the needle if you want to

I can't describe my feelings when I read this email. How evil!

My impression is that with western medicine, they don't care how much anxiety or stress they cause you.

the whole system is based on fear, control, intimidation and they don't care how much you feel overwhelmed and not in control.

Now look at what they are doing to help people with anxiety get the shot. Very sinister!

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I mentioned in a previous thread that my ND told me about a doctor who is prescribing ivermectin. I looked up the physician and saw that he left his clinic and is working at a walk-in clinic now. It did not sound too good. I wondered what was going on and copied and pasted what I read online asking what you think of it.

Anyway, I was discouraged about going to a walk-in to see him.

I asked my ND today. He said at times 400 or 500 people would show up at his clinic to get ivermectin and the police showed up. I guess that is why he left his clinic and is working somewhere else.

Leaving Soon
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Here's J.T. bringing down the hammer

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This is about safety!

Yes. We believe you PM

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We are approaching remembrance day Mr PM where we remember hundreds of thousands who died to keep us free

What a traitor!

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Justin Turdeau makes me angry just listening to him. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and is as arrogant and condescending, as can be. He loves to virtue signal and lecture people and yet he is a total hypocrite.

For someone who barely got 32% of the vote, he sure acts like a dictator. He is literally destroying our beautiful country.

Still, God placed him in power for a reason. Undoubtedly to punish Canada and we certainly deserve it. We have turned our backs on God and gone our own way.

That being said, Jesus died for that man. Thankfully, no one is beyond salvation. May he repent and turn to the Lord before it is too late. :prayer-hands:

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