Coronavirus Talk 17
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Coronavirus Talk 17

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I once heard a preacher say that if you got rid of all the empty space in our bodies cells you could fit everyone on planet earth in a 5 gallon bucket lol

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This is so sad. They are going after the babies now. There is a special place in the Lake of Fire for these wicked luciferians.

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This NBA player is more articulate and reasonable than the the CDC.

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Yep … its so sad … they are going after ALL that are not in their inner circle. The prelude to … Revelation 13:16 ”And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a  …..” - Revelation 13:16

The Lord is going to have to step in SOON and stop the madness … keep looking up … our great escape is coming!

Mark 13:20

And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.

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The good thing is that evil is disordered and chaotic. Even if they work together, they all hate each other as there is no love to be found among them. It is the nature of evil to self destruct.

I think right now, we have a luciferian civil war going on. The different jab companies are fighting each other. Soros hates China and wants to take them down.

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How much longer can this go on? All of humanity is being wiped out slowly but surely! How much will we experience before the Rapture! Somehow I understand how some could think we are in the Tribulation! And I am a hard core pre tribber all my Jesus life! Come quickly Lord Jesus ?????✨

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The Tribulation will be far worse than anything we can imagine. While there are a lot of really bad things going on right now it will be so much worse once the Trib gets underway. This is all just a build up to the main event, which we will not be here for. No matter how bad it gets before we are gone it won't be anything compared to what is to come.

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The free for all MMA match till death, in the future!

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On my cell phone, I get news feeds that are dominated by pro vaxxxine propaganda. I was a little shocked when I saw one news feed that ran counter to the narrative. Wow!

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Trouble on Broadway with the fully vaccinated …


Broadway hit “Aladdin” forced to shut its doors after only one performance due to breakthrough Covid cases from the vaccinated cast and crew 😉 

Just two weeks after celebrating the return of Broadway, one of the most anticipated shows has been shut down. Wednesday night’s performance of “Aladdin” was canceled after there were positive breakthrough COVID tests within the cast and crew. 😉 

George Orwell correctly predicted that, when the dystopia arrived, one of the hallmarks would be ‘double think’, the idea that you will be forced to hold two mutually-exclusive thoughts in your mind at the same time. We are watching that play out with the New World Order tellings us that the ‘vaccine will save us’, and then watch vaccinated people get COVID anyway that is somehow blamed on the unvaccinated. Vaccinated people are starting to wake up to the idea that the vaccine will not save them.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

Maine is a state that is the 3rd most vaccinated in America, and their hospitals are filled to overflowing with vaccinated COVID patients. A former Notre Dame professor who routinely attacked unvaccinated people as “selfish” passed away. 67-year-old Karen Croake Heisler received her first Pfizer Covid jab on January 13, 2021, and she died on September 19th after the third jab from cardiac complications. Now if you have a brain that you even marginally use to think with, you can clearly see what’s going on. If you can’t see it, you’re lost as a golf ball in high grass, and waiting for Antichrist. It’s a pandemic of stupidity engaged in by people who allow the government and the Devil to do their thinking for them. Get saved before it’s too late.

From CBS News: “Aladdin” made its triumphant return Tuesday night, even tweeting video of its curtain call 18 months in the making, adding #BroadwayIsBack.

But who knew it would be curtains for the show in just 24 hours due to breakthrough cases in the company …

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