Coronavirus Talk 16
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Coronavirus Talk 16

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NTEB prophecy news podcast:  As global vaccine mandates rage now you see what “BUILD BACK BETTER” and  the “Great Reset” are really all about

In America, Joe Biden has issued a draconian vaccine mandate, but guess what? Every, single member of Congress and their entire staff are exempt. So are illegal aliens that come streaming through our open borders. If you feel like you’re being played, it’s because you are. Welcome to the GREAT RESET. 

The Twin Towers came down by Directed Energy Weapons, and what rose up in its place was a one world trade center, crafted on all sides with upside-down V-shapes, looking from a distance just like a syringe. But I’m sure that’s just an amazing visual coincidence, right? I mean, it’s not like the American government is now forcing people to be injected, are they? That would be crazy…oh wait.

“And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.” Genesis 49:1

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the wheels are off the bus, the train is off the rails, and the entire world has gone vaccine crazy. It has become the defining issue of our day, and it is ushering in a time of global madness quite similar to the narrative laid out in George Orwell’s ‘1984’. Orwell wrote that book as a warning, and in our day, it is being used by the New World Order as a ‘how-to’ manual. Indeed, we right now have the thought police telling us how and what we are allowed to think, we have the past being erased to create an endless present, and the meanings of words have been changed to such a degree that words have become near to meaningless. It’s been in front of our faces the entire time, have we woken up too late, are we even awake?

- Fair Use -

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Vaxxx passports started today in British Columbia. :negative:

They tell us it is temporary but that is another lie, of course. No theatre going, sporting events or indoor or outdoor dining for those who cannot or will not take the jab.

My mother's neighbour literally can't take the shot as she has severe allergies. Her doctor told her under no circumstances is she to take the shot. So, she is now being genetically discriminated against.

The darkness is descending rapidly. Maranatha! Come quickly, Lord Jesus! :prayer-hands:

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Me too … I was rejected at my dentist for a cleaning because I’m not vaxx.  I spoke to my insurance company and they said I’m sorry to hear that and said I can pick a new dentist from their list … then her parting words were do you want me to schedule an appointment for your vaccination? 🙁    I said no thank you I’m too busy … just like I’m too busy to do the survey at the end of this call.

It’s a given … January 1st - I wont have medical or dental insurance nor be able to get prescription meds … unless vaxx … I’m sure this applies for everybody else …

It’s really going to get ugly if we are still here in 2022 …

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What about holistic dentists?

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Time to start doctoring ourselves with Jesus!

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Ferverent faith filled prayer and spirit led can accomplish much!


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I am so angry, I could spit nails. I have to hand it over to God or I'd literally go crazy.

They forced a 8 month pregnant woman to get the jab of she couldn't go to the hospital. I pray this precious child is not permanently disabled.

Heavenly Father, may these wicked people repent before it is too late. If they don't, may they drink a triple portion of the Cup of Your wrath.

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Nicky Minaj, the celebrity with, I believe, 22 million followers on Twitter, tweeted this. People are going crazy over it. :wacko:

"My cousin in Trinidad won’t get the vaccine cuz his friend got it & became impotent. His testicles became swollen. His friend was weeks away from getting married, now the girl called off the wedding. So just pray on it & make sure you’re comfortable with ur decision, not bullied"

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:negative: :negative:  me too Arthur. we can't go for a drive, stop at a restaurant for lunch or dinner and use the restroom. imagine that. against the law to eat and ___ because we don't want the government in charge of our health care decisions. they don't care if hard drugs are sold on the streets of cities or homeless use the bushes for facilities, but we are a danger purchasing a meal in a restaurant.

Come Lord Jesus

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