I hope people can start suing. https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-10-26-adulteration-covid-vaccines-americans-sue-manufacturers-fda.html Elon Musk Says Ventilators, Not COVID-19 Virus, Responsible for Millions of Deaths: On a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the celebrated CEO of Tesla and owner of social media platform X/Twitter, Elon Musk, made a bold assertion. He suggested that bacterial lung infections in patients on ventilators might have led to more deaths than the COVID-19 virus itself. During this conversation, Joe Rogan pointed out, “Well, 80% of the people they put on ventilators died.” Rogan’s reference could be traced back to data by Dr. Joseph Mercola, according to Epoch Times. According to this data, a staggering 76.4 percent of COVID-19 patients aged 18 to 65 in New York City who were administered ventilators did not survive. Moreover, the percentage shot up to 97.2 for those aged above 65. Musk then chimed in with a revelation that he had actually been in touch with doctors from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak. He shared that the physicians admitted to an over-reliance on intubated ventilators during the initial wave of the pandemic, which may have been a grave error leading to more harm than the disease they aimed to combat. His tweet was in response to a post, which read, “Oh this is going to make a lot mad. They are now saying don’t use invasive ventilators, but to use oxygen first, but if that doesn’t work to use CPAP or BiPAP ventilators before invasive ventilators.” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/elon-musk-says-ventilators-not-covid-19-virus/ Professors find 1 dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine is contaminated with 200 Billion pieces of DNA: Cancer genomics expert Dr. Phillip Buckhaults recently testified to the South Carolina Senate about the DNA contamination found in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. There are an estimated 200 billion pieces of plasmid DNA in each dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, he said. These pieces of DNA are packaged in lipid nanoparticles, basically a synthetic virus, and are delivered into vaccinees’ cells. A colleague who was in charge of the vaccination programme in Columbia, South Carolina, kept all the Pfizer vials, containing remnants of the contents, from the two batches that were used. From the remnants, Prof. Buckhaults sequenced all the DNA that was in these vials. “I can see what’s in [the vaccines] and it’s surprising that there’s any DNA in there. And you can kind of work out what it is and how it got there and I’m kind of alarmed about the possible consequences of this both in terms of human health and biology,” he said. “This DNA, in my view, it could be causing some of the rare, but serious, side effects like death from cardiac arrest. “This DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that got transfected with the vaccine mix … we do this in the lab all the time; we take pieces of DNA, we mix them up with a lipid complex, like the Pfizer vaccine is in, we pour it onto cells and a lot of it gets into the cells. And a lot of it gets into the DNA of those cells and it becomes a permanent fixture of the cell. It’s not just a temporary thing. It is in that cell from now on and all of its progeny from now on and forever more … So, that’s why I’m kind of alarmed about this DNA being in the vaccine. It’s different from RNA because it can be permanent.” “DNA is a long-lived,” Prof. Buckhaults explained. “What you were born with you’re going to die with and pass on to your kids. DNA lasts for hundreds of thousands of years … So, alterations to the DNA – they stick around.” https://expose-news.com/2023/11/03/200bil-dna-in-pfizer-c19-jab/ Tragic: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit: On October 17, during a routine 15-month well-visit at the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group in Warwick, New York, Melody received three vaccines, News12 Westchester reported. Just two days later, she suddenly stopped breathing and suffered cardiac arrest despite exhibiting no warning signs. “I just kept saying, she just had vaccines, she just had vaccines,” Palombi repeatedly thought, highlighting her immediate concern linking the vaccines to her daughter’s critical condition. Hospital records revealed that Melody suffered liver and kidney failure, along with cardiac arrest. The Herbert Kania Pediatric Group declined to comment on the case. The CDC notes that up to 10 vaccines are recommended for 15-month-olds; Melody had received three – for varicella (chickenpox), DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), and Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b bacteria). Melody had been hospitalized once before with a high fever and body rash after vaccinations at 2 months old. Physicians at the time speculated it was likely a virus, not an allergic reaction. However, Palombi believes that the vaccines were too much for her daughter’s body in both instances. . . . . God had a plan. There is always a plan. He had a plan for us to share the message about the dangers of vaccines. The only lesson I hope to bring here today is that nothing is one size fits all. Every person, child, and baby is different. All of us, have our own threshold, of what we can handle. And that is the same for these little babies who are given so many vaccines. It is now our job to spread awareness. To educate. To question. To make sure that changes are made so that babies and children are safe. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/tragic-15-month-old-girl-dies-organ-failure/ Here We Go: Mystery Child Pneumonia Outbreak Sweeps Through Schools in China, Overwhelming Hospitals with Sick Children: An unexplained pneumonia-like sickness is reportedly swiftly spreading through schools in China, leading to a surge of hospitalizations of children. Over the past few weeks, numerous schools in China, predominantly in Beijing and Liaoning provinces, have reported a rapid increase in children presenting with severe symptoms. These symptoms, including high fever and lung inflammation, are eerily similar to those of pneumonia, Daily Mail reported. However, what sets this illness apart is the lack of common respiratory symptoms like coughing. This unique symptom profile has led health professionals to label this as an “undiagnosed pneumonia.” Note that this peculiar symptomatology has reportedly baffled health professionals, who are struggling to categorize and understand this new illness. An unexplained pneumonia-like sickness is reportedly swiftly spreading through schools in China, leading to a surge of hospitalizations of children. Over the past few weeks, numerous schools in China, predominantly in Beijing and Liaoning province, have reported a rapid increase in children presenting with severe symptoms. These symptoms, including high fever and lung inflammation, are eerily similar to those of pneumonia, Daily Mail reported. However, what sets this illness apart is the lack of common respiratory symptoms like coughing. This unique symptom profile has led health professionals to label this as an “undiagnosed pneumonia.” Note that this peculiar symptomatology has reportedly baffled health professionals, who are struggling to categorize and understand this new illness. Mr. [W], a Beijing citizen: “Many, many are hospitalized. They don’t cough and have no symptoms. They just have a high temperature (fever) and many develop pulmonary nodules.” According to the Daily Mail, the situation is eerily reminiscent of the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, raising concerns and prompting global scientists to take notice. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/here-we-go-mystery-child-pneumonia-outbreak-sweeps/ Creator of COVID 19 Vaccine was Reportedly Thrown from a Roof in China Three Months After Filing Patent for Vaccine: A new report today in the Daily Mail suggests that Dr. Yusen Zhou, the scientist who filed the patent on the COVID-19 vaccine in only three months, died when he was thrown from a roof in 2021. The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Zhou Yusen (or Dr. Yusen Zhou) since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic. The Daily Mail reported: A retired high-ranking health official revealed a Wuhan scientist secretly working on a Covid vaccine months before the pandemic broke out could have caused the global crisis and then been murdered for it. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/creator-covid-19-vaccine-was-reportedly-thrown-roof/ BREAKING: New Zealand Health Ministry Employee and Whistleblower’s Home Raided and Arrested by Police for Exposing Deaths Linked to ‘Bad Batches’ of COVID Vaccine: A Ministry of Health employee-turned-whistleblower and another individual have been targeted by police raids on Sunday. The whistleblower’s actions in exposing a connection between certain Pfizer vaccine batches and a series of deaths have led to a dramatic confrontation with law enforcement. A whistleblower responsible for managing New Zealand’s COVID-19 vaccination database has come forward with alarming data regarding excess deaths that he claims are connected to specific batches of the Pfizer vaccine. The individual, known by the pseudonym Winston Smith, expressed concerns over what he describes as “the greatest evil that has been perpetrated on human beings.” Winston Smith played a key role in developing a project that established a vaccine payment system for providers, known as the pay-per-dose system. Under this system, providers receive a payment each time a vaccination is administered. As part of his responsibilities, he analyzed the data and noticed inconsistencies. “I was involved with building a project and helped with implementing a vaccine payment system for our providers. It’s called a pay-per-dose system. So that means that every time someone gets vaccinated, they get a payment for it as a provider. And I helped build it, I implemented it. And when I was looking at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting people dying within a week of being vaccinated,” Smith said. “As soon as the system went live, we noticed that people were dying almost straight away after being injected. So, that sort of prompted my curiosity a bit. So, I dug a little deeper,” he added. For instance, one city in South Island, Invercargill, . . . reported a staggering 30% death rate among those vaccinated, figures which are significantly higher than the country’s average mortality rates. “I can only make assumptions, but something is clearly wrong here. So, the vaccine would have come in how it got to the South Island. We don’t know how it was stored or how it was transported, but something is not right here. So, there might be something in the batches themselves. I can only guess at this point, but the statistics are clearly saying that there is something wrong, and it’s concentrated in the South Island, that their mortality rates are far in excess of what is normal. Far in excess,” Smith added. “So what I did with the data was look at the top ten batches that had a high death count, a high mortality rate, and I put them on a chart. So it’s got a batch ID. . . " "This cannot be a natural event. This is man-made,” Smith argued, adding, “If it’s happening here, guarantee it’s happening everywhere, and we need more people like me to stand up and just come out. Don’t be scared, just do it.” On the afternoon of Sunday, December 3, 2023, police surrounded the whistleblower’s residence, and hours later, they were still on the scene. Gunn has made an emergency broadcast to inform the public and global community of these dire circumstances. Another individual, who corroborated the whistleblower’s story and assisted Gunn, has also faced similar police action. As reported by the NZ Herald, a 56-year-old man was arrested this afternoon for his alleged involvement in the “unauthorized disclosure and misuse of data,” according to police statements. Gunn has urged the newly appointed Prime Minister of New Zealand, Christopher Luxon, and specifically appealed to Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, Winston Peters, whose campaign promised to address the voices within the Freedom truth-telling movement and call for a full COVID inquiry. “I am calling on you, Winston. I am calling on you. Help these people. Make sure Luxon calls off the police. Make sure they are freed immediately. Make sure that this whistleblower is honored as a New Zealand hero for telling the people of the world the truth. The eyes of the world are upon New Zealand,” said Gunn. Calling the situation “major criminality on the level of Watergate,” Gunn underscored the role of journalists and whistleblowers in delivering truth to the masses and preventing government tyranny. Short video (5 minutes) by Liz Gunn about what happened to the whistleblowers at the end of the article, and also a one-hour video in the middle about the data called 'The Mother of All Revelations.'" In a recent op-ed featured in The Hill, Dr. Pierre Kory, the founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), has raised alarm bells over the increasing death rates among younger Americans, challenging the explanations provided by health authorities. The issue came into the spotlight following a tweet from the FDA commissioner highlighting a significant decline in American life expectancy. The FDA chief attributed this trend to factors like smoking and poor diet. However, Dr. Kory vehemently disagrees, suggesting a more controversial cause related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is not being openly discussed. Dr. Kory’s analysis, based on data from the Society of Actuaries, reveals a startling trend: while death rates among the elderly have decreased by 6% compared to pre-pandemic levels, deaths among younger age groups have surged dramatically. For instance, deaths among those aged 35 to 44 have increased by 26%, and for the 25 to 34 age group, the rise is 19% compared to pre-pandemic figures. In his interview with Ivory Hecker, Dr. Kory criticized health authorities’ lack of transparency and thorough investigation into these trends. He insinuates that something significant, possibly related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its management, could be driving these unexpected death rates. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/dr-pierre-kory-discusses-reason-why-so-many/ By the Grace of God, I never bought into the covid scam. Things got so out of hand so quickly, you no longer could tell what was true and what was fake, People lined up for miles for the test, which had rumors of getting covid from the Q tips they were using for the tests. My wife and I never took the shot. She got sick and after 3 days I got sick. She purchased 2 test kits at CVS. Her test came back negative and mine was positive. Go figure that out. Anyway, we both got well in a normal amount of time, about 7 to 10 days and it was no worst that the flu for 2 days, then a common cold. We kept Jesus close to us and relied on Him and He took care of us. All Glory to Jesus. Chance from Five Doves: Interview with a Nurse:Dr. Pierre Kory Discusses the Reason Why So Many Americans are Dying Early: “Something Happened in the Middle of COVID that Thou Shalt Not Speak its Name”: