Removing the Graphene Transmitting from the COVID VAXXXinated to the UnVAXXXinated to YOUR Body! (drrobertyoung.com) An excerpt Zinc in combination with NAC are essential antioxidants used to degrade and demagnetize graphene oxide. Ricardo Delgado states that with these two antioxidants he has personally helped people affected by magnetism after inoculation. This is in people with two doses of Pfizer or Moderna who have become magnetic sensitive and after these supplements they no longer have the symptom of radiation poisoning called COVid-19. Since I have already had Covid my God given ability to create antibodies is already in me. And even if they kill me, so what. We’re gonna be out of here soon anyway so it’s not like I’ll get to be some jolly old man anyway. And afterwards Jesus will deal harshly with these people. At this point I’m so ready to be in His eternal presence that I don’t really care anymore. There is no future here anyway I feel the same. There is no future here. Tell me about it!