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State of the Nation seems to be on the level.  They have links to articles to The millenium report.  The Millennium report is absolutely off the rails.  Do not read anything from them.

Sorry for the trouble.

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I just saw this posted ... check out the words of the first stanza ... sure describes the conditions the entire world is in today, eh?   B-)


The King is Coming
By Gaither Music

The marketplace is empty
No more traffic in the streets
All the builders' tools are silent
No more time to harvest wheat
Busy housewives cease their labors
In the courtroom no debate
Work on earth is all suspended
As the King comes thro' the gate

O the King is coming
The King is coming
I just heard the trumpets sounding
And now His face I see
O the King is coming
The King is coming
Praise God, He's coming for me

Happy faces line the hallways
Those whose lives have been redeemed
Broken homes that He has mended
Those from prison He has freed
Little children and the aged
Hand in hand stand all aglow
Who were crippled, broken, ruined
Clad in garments white as snow

O the King is coming
The King is coming
I just heard the trumpets sounding
And now His face I see
O the King is coming
The King is coming
Praise God, He's coming for me

I can hear the chariots rumble
I can see the marching throng
The flurry of God's trumpets
Spells the end of sin and wrong
Regal robes are now unfolding
Heaven's grandstand's all in place
Heaven's choir now assembled
Start to sing "Amazing Grace"

O the King is coming
The King is coming
I just heard the trumpets sounding
And now His face I see
O the King is coming
The King is coming
Praise God, He's coming for me

- Fair Use-

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hi Whit & all, previously in a post I said I did not know what to make of this virus.

This doctor, David Forrest, is a christian who is an infectious diseases doctor in the city where I live. this is his comments about the virus. where you are, numbers will be different, but maybe his comments about what to do to try and avoid getting it or spreading it would be helpful. pretty much what has already been said on media

0"> http://Dr David Forrest, Infectious Diseases, on COVID-19


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Geri — great minds — I thought of this song the other day! Couldn’t remember all the words so thank you for locating it.. :prayer-hands:

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I shared the song with a cyber friend and his reply was “One of my all time favorite Gaither songs when it came out in 77 or 78 - on 8-track!!!”

I didn’t realize how old this song is ... certainly spot on with describing our last days right now!  I had to google to see what an 8-track was. :mdrmdr:    I recall vinyl records and cassette tapes and VHS tapes but not the 8-tracks.  I guess you needed a boom box to play them on? :unsure:

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