Contagions, Infecti...
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Contagions, Infections, Poisons, Contaminations, and Toxicities

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Children of God:

If you are one of God's children, you do not need to anguish about any of the above.  You are in God's hands and are invincible until HIS plan for you is complete.  You will persevere through all things out of your control through the strength of HIS SPIRIT and PROTECTION!!!




Light dispels the darkness,

Fast approaching is the dawn,

Pain and anguish will be faded remnants,

Once the lingering shadows have finally passed on.


A righteous course has been traversed,

Divine intervention has provided direction,

A resplendent Light illuminates the path,

To a utopia unfathomable from human perception.


As the wayfarers approach the Heavenly Portal,

Past immortality will be willingly remitted,

Earthly wealth will become totally irrelevant,

Only the richness of soul will be mercifully admitted.


A fruitful life has affirmed Eternal Salvation,

An ephemeral existence has achieved its goal,

The temporal flames from below will finally be extinguished,

As Jesus personally welcomes each and every saved soul.


Don't trust in yourself or your circumstances -- TRUST IN JESUS until the end!!!



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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

A glorious thought beautifully expressed!


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Noble Member
Joined: 6 years ago

~ ~ trusting the Most High God, ~~ together
even now neath His Wing feathered

~~ this we know, it is Christ and His Power of Light
making way for us to realize this is His fight ~

though we don’t understand His ways
God has not left us, in the midst of this crazy maze
by faith God admonishes us to not worry, as He eliminates
in His perfect time, this crisis He sees as no surprise

and through it, and all along, amidst our sighs
~~~ it is wise to rely on His Spirit sheltering us
~ ~ and the greatness of our God Jesus? ~

~ oh, may we never forget to stay appreciative
utterly, of our God and His power of Greatness

moving us to press deeper into His embrace,
He is making us ready to see Him up close his joy ~ His Face ~
