I’m tired and need to go to bed. Didn’t mean to submit both. I looked up the name of the restaurant. The English food and tea were good together. State side, Paul. 😉 Make of this what you will... Coffee was supposedly discovered in Ethiopia by Kaldi, an Ethiopian goat herder, around 800 AD. He wandered over to his goats to see them acting very strangely. They were energised and excited after eating some berries from a tree. After trying the berries himself, and also feeling excitable and alert, Kaldi took these berries to a monk. The monks exclaimed that it was the work of the devil and threw the berries into the fire. In doing so, a pleasant aroma was released and the berries were quickly raked from the fire and crushed into embers. Realising their mistake, the berries were then placed into a jug and covered with hot water for preservation. The monks then went on to drink this new concoction, only to realise it helped them stay awake during nightly devotions and prayers. Fast forward a millennium or so to when the founder of the Colony of Virginia, Captain John Smith, introduced coffee from continental Europe to other settlers of Jamestown in 1607. It wasn't well received at first and tea was much more preferred. In 1670, Dorothy Jones became the first person to receive a license to sell coffee in Boston. By the mid-1700's, many taverns were also dubbed as coffeehouses, but tea was still the drink of choice. It was only when a rebellion against Great Britain caused all the tea to be thrown into the sea and it was considered unpatriotic to drink it any longer. Coffee then became increasingly popular. Okay …Tammie, how about just plain water? :unsure: I did generously list sweet popular beverages B-) … or are you into sour power grapefruit juice? :calvin And Terry you asked on another thread what will we do after getting invited to a tea party? Well … after getting dressed up and show our etiquette eating manners and quenching our thirst with glorious hot or cold ice tea :whistle: . Then we dress down (everyone should have their bathing suits on underneath) and then we either have paint ball fights, mud wrestling matches at the Dead Sea Spa and then float in the Dead Sea and get washed off. Or how about hang 10 surfing the ocean waves - our pets are included to and will have their own surf boards.😆 Tea parties will never again be boring …