Listen to the whole 50 minutes. Its amazing the connections that Craig makes to the tribulation period and the Global COP28 conference. Holy Cow is all I have to say. Understand David Nino is unique but the correlations that Craig Bong makes about the Climate Change Hoax Agenda and how it ties to the tribulation period and the COP28 conference are fascinating. C40 cities are already being rolled out ahead of the COP28 Conference taking place Nov 30 thru Dec 12th where they will kick start the 7 years of 10 mandates a day acceleration into the New World Order control and extinction of humanity. Craig is a Christian and ties everything to the book of Revelations. 🙂 Oh yes! We love Craig Bong. Geri has posted a lot of Craig's videos here. He seems very knowledgeable. Yep indeed, we like Craig Bong … he really did his homework and knows what’s going on with the timeline of events! I’m waiting for his next interview on the Janie DuVall’s youtube … should be out shortly … if we are still here. The host of this video keeps asking Craig "what can we do if we want to stop this?" Lol I don't think he understands that there is no stopping this. Wow Boulder95, I am so glad that you have surfaced this discussion! Thank you thank you thank you. Yohanan That picture is cracking me up. I didnt even see MyWhiteStone's new photo? Hey Dan. Do you think we should take out Boulder? :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Thanks. I'm a Craig Bong fan. That will be on our watch list for tomorrow. Holy