A "Progressive Church" https://www.christianpost.com/news/nashville-church-says-bible-isnt-the-word-of-god.html Progressing straight into the Lake of Fire, yeah. 🙁 Matthew 7:15 New King James Version You Will Know Them by Their Fruits This is a perfect example of someone who is too ignorant to be a teacher or preacher of the Bible. He has not studied adequately nor does he understand that God's ways are not our ways- he has been too influenced by the culture to be able to strongly stand for the the Lord, and our faith, and sadly (for him) he will be accountable for speaking false doctrine and leading people astray. We need to pray for all the folks behind the pulpit in these last days that they will be open to the Holy Spirit's guiding and speak the truth. I saw that and its another example of how its all coming together. I would not want to be someone who led even a single person astray from the truth. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Oh Satan you are a sneaky sneaky snake.. Always working. Always whispering.. You can try as you might, but you won't win. Your time is almost over.. God asks for willing submission! Satan demands complete control! TR
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves