MyWhiteStone, we don't mind your whys and what-ifs. You help us think about important things. You say the nicest things, Patricia. 🙂 But its nice to know God is aware and in control of every circumstances in our lives. He will still work in the midst of even our calamities that beset us. Maybe your old computer would have started smoking while not home and caused a fire and the Lord prevented that from occurring? :unsure: I had that happen once to a computer a work. The irony is 2 weeks prior I wanted to take vacation and my boss joked and said nope .. can’t take vacation until your computer is smoking. And it was …the look on his face was priceless … so I was able to take off while the I.T. Dept purchased a new one. :mdrmdr: We need not worry … He knows who are His and will gather all His sheep into the fold before the rapture event. He only requires of us to be willing to serve. And you have done that with your willing heart and caring for the lost around you with your ministry. And I gots a feeling your beloved 1957 Ford Fairlane convertible vehicle is waiting for you right besides your mansion in heaven. :yes: In the meantime … perhaps the Lord wants you to drive a modern snazzy horse power Ford Mustang convertible? B-) Yes, she is just like that! TR Also the benefit to RITA Now was that y’all were spared with my nonsensical “whys” and “what” ifs for a couple weeks. Kolleen gets extra crowns for enduring it! ?? . . God is STILL in control ~ but this is crazy ~ ~` ...yup, he's recovered nicely in that respect!!! :mdrmdr: :heart: