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Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax

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YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped


First published at 19:24 UTC on August 4th, 2021

Patriot Patrick King represented himself in court after being fined $1200 dollars for protesting against the Covid-Hoax, he slew the beast and emerged VICTORIOUS. He issued a subpoena to the Provincial Health Minister for proof that the so-called Covid-19 Virus exists, and they were forced to admit that they had no evidence whatsoever. The virus has never been isolated, and thus the government had no legal grounds to impose any of the punishing restrictions they have inflicted on society. Since this shocking confession came to light, the Province has since rescinded all Covid-Restrictions and now officially treats Covid-19 as nothing more than a mild flu! WE WON

King has shown the template to be followed WORLDWIDE. This is what can happen when you are not re-presented by a BAR (British Accredited Registry) Lawyer who's first obligation is to the Corrupted Courts and not their client.



“Fair Use For Education and Discussion Purposes”

Loz :]

58 Replies
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Just think of the reactions of the people who took the vaxx and those who are now suffering from side effects and who have lost loved ones and friends from the jab.  And how about those who lost their businesses, jobs, homes, etc.  They are going to be soooo angry  … will this in turn increase global violence and chaos against those in authority?   Perhaps they will time the disclosure with the rapture event? :unsure:

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What if one of the things the MOTB does is cure everyone who took the vaxx of it's side effects ?

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Yes!   I can see it unfolding that way :yes:  and promising them the fountain of youth  … no more Botox fish lips …

Todd Tomlinson
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I really struggle with all of this -- a great friend who was a co-ministry leader with me several years ago, did not get the jab but is now in the hospital and being transferred today to ICU as his oxygen levels are extremely low.   He's a super fit/buff healthy guy - rarely if ever sick and he's likely going to be intubated today if they can't get his oxygen levels up.   He tested positive for Vid after having difficulty breathing.   So while part of me thinks "hoax" - I'm seeing the opposite with him - its all too real.   I'm just hoping for August 11th.    This place is getting a little old for this old one.    I have my ticket - I'm ready... Come now Lord.

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:prayer-hands: for your friend

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That the Lord would lift and strengthen all the saints through all our trials, and lift us into the heavenlies!


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Their hypocracy exposed will not alter their course!  But any light shed on their dark and evil ways may be enough to save some from blindly follow the herd!


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Call it a hoax if you want, but I know a lot of folks that had COVID, some were healthy strong middle aged adults and many required hospitalization.  I personally know 1 very good Pentecostal preacher that died from the “hoax”.  Many in my church were put on their backs for awhile due to this “hoax”.

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Please understand the “pandemic” as a virus is a hoax but the poison they released and spread is real. People will die from over exposure to the chemical poisoning. Think of it like radiation poisoning, we know to take iodine to protect ourselves but people still die from over exposure of radiation.

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