I have heard a song on the radio lately that caught my attention. Every once in awhile a song seems to have a unique, difficult-to-describe, but very real quality--an anointing from God. After hearing parts of this song a couple of times on the radio, the Spirit led me to pull it up on Youtube and listen to it today. We are permitted to use ear buds and listen to whatever we choose while we work, so I must have listened to this more than 20 times today. Between the video itself, the lyrics of the song, and the comments below, I was sitting at my desk fighting back the tears at work today. That's at least in part because the torment, anguish, pain and suffering I have known led me precariously close to the edge of the bridge in the video. Not the exact same bridge, but the bridge of despair and seemingly intolerable levels of emotional/physical pain. Many of you have probably already heard the song. It's called "God Only Knows" by the group For King and Country. For me, there are a couple of primary reminders from the song: 1) No one but God can ever really understand how we experience the heartaches and tragedies of our life here on earth. Some people can empathize, but the truth is, God only knows. Sometimes I long for another human being to really know me, but I think that desire is ultimately misplaced and creates unrealistic expectations because only God can really know me at the depth I long to be known. 2) It sensitized me afresh to the need to walk in compassion and kindness towards everyone, even the "jerks" we encounter, because the truth is we rarely have any idea what they have faced and/or are facing in their lives. If you have ever known heartache, suffering, tragedy and pain (and who hasn't in this broken, fallen world), and have felt like nobody "gets it", then grab a box of Kleenex and listen to this song. And be challenged at the same time to be reminded there are people all around us dying inside who feel like no one cares whether they live or die. May God use us in these final hours as vessels of compassion, kindness, and life in pointing people to the only One who can save us from ourselves and fill us with hope. I'm going to link the song here. (I think I have the linking thing down, but if anyone can share instructions on how you embed the actual video so you can see it within the post, I would appreciate that information. I think I had to ask this same question 3 years...LOL. ) Watchman, just copy the link in the address line, then paste it to your post. When you click submit it will show. I couldn’t agree more. The hate and evil is growing exponentially, and Christians are getting swept up in their own anger and outrage. But we are to be know for our love. On a personal level with the lady at the check out line, the irritable child in our class, the concerned mother. The souls - each one - we encounter daily. Oh God, open my eyes to see souls as you see them! To love and share and spread your light. Help me to look up at the world around me and not always at my feet, planning my own next steps. For your glory until you return. :yahoo: Amen. Well said Becky. Thank you
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