But I want to be an...
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But I want to be an angel . .

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I have wondered more than once, ~ ~ why didn't God create me to be a Heavenly angel? ~ ~ They experience no heartache or sorrow, no pain or tragedy, ~

~ oh, how these Heavenly angels do enjoy the full Glory of God from the beginning in His Light everafter . .   ~ . .

~ ~ in Christ's Light and Love these angels live on God's Holy mountain, ~ ~ aglow in His Heavenly Jerusalem, they experience up close our Majestic God . . . . . ~~

Jesus again reminds me that in eternity His very sons and daughters will one day 'rule' the angels ~ ~

Jesus has said it . .   ~ ~  we shall sit with Him at His Heavenly Throne . . . more than Heavenly angels . .  we are created to enjoy God as our Father! ~ ~ what an inheritance!

~ God's dear children are chosen and destined for His Glory as He wills . . I love the power of God and all He is ~ ~

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Personally I’m happy to be human and not an angel.

Genesis 1:27 tells us ... “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

Angels are without bodies and hence invisible.  They are not omnipresent like God but yet they can fly and be in more than one place fairly quickly because they are not restricted or bound by time or space.  They do have the ability to take on human form so humans can see them.  Examples are Gen. 19  two angels came to Lot in the form of men to tell him to get out of Sodom. Luke 24:4 On the day of resurrection the women who went to the tomb saw 2 men “in clothes that gleamed like lightening”.  In Matt 28:2 has the record of an angel rolled back the stone and sat on it. “His appearance was like lightening, and his clothes were white as snow”.

Hey, I even had an encounter with an angel in an elevator back in May 2011.  I was upset and very sad and didn’t want my mom to die on Mother’s Day.  So the Lord comforted me by sending this angel. He encouraged me with a riddle “that’s it’s ALWAYS sunny” and after I exited the elevator I turned around and he was completely gone!  2 weeks later I found the words ALWAYS sunny in a favorite hymn that was going to be sung at my mom’s funeral and thought back about that encounter and started to laugh.  Sometimes they remain invisible as they are protecting or helping us out.  I struggled lifting the wheelchair into my SUV so I prayed for the Lord’s help and the next attempt it was light as a feather. Even though I couldn’t see the angel(s) I knew without a doubt they were right besides me lifting it up.

Angels are not to procreate. Matt 22:30 “at the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven”.   However, some of the fallen angels did procreate with humans resulting in the giants. But because angels don’t have offspring, they can’t understand a family relationship like we do.  This is why they are amazed with wonder by Jesus taking on human form to die for sinful mankind so we can be grafted back into the family of God when we place our faith in His blood sacrifice for our sins.

Posts: 8052
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Great thread.  Nice for you to share about Angel's!  Indeed even Angel's were disobedient and rejected God!  We will have more glory than even Angel's!  In relationship with God, in heavenly position and personal glory!  TR

Posts: 8052
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Donna, you are more than an angel!  Those born of flesh will envy us!  TR
