So I have held that although God the Father is the one who tells the Son to go get his bride, and.... Christ gave us detailed description of the covenant of a typical wedding arrangement in Galilean style for a reason, and .... The description of the wedding process, tradition is so very clear of a seasonal aspect, vice a particular day.... The bride season per tradition in Israel begins in about 10 days from now on Nissan 4 (Nissan 1 is not recommended for a wedding day and Nissan 2-3 are Shabbat days, not typical for a wedding). Best wedding days are considered to be Wednesday after sunset. I find that fascinating. Interesting article regarding the current wedding complications: Also interesting is the “suggested” wedding dates for newer practicing Jews: Just sharing a personal opinion and “fair use”... Any minute or imminent is what we are to live by as a thief in the night, be ready, be watchful, keep the wedding garment on and the oil filled with wicks trimmed. He IS coming! :prayer-hands: How about if we take the "high" watch dates we already have and run them against this list. That way eliminating those that won't apply! TR I’m having trouble opening up the “chabad” link. When I clicked on it ... it was a blank screen. Then my iPad froze up before I could send this response its a “bad” link. Then when I could click again on the link ... it put a pop-up screen saying it needs “my email address”. Um .. no way! Just wondering is anyone else is having the same issues? If not, what does the article say about the high watch dates? Thanks. Hopefully you will access it soon. It basically identifies by eliminating certain calendar days and feasts which would restrict any marriage ceremony. I find this knowledge to be quite an eye opener and possible key to helping us narrow down our high watch days! Thanks again Tammie for sharing and hopefully we can isolate true a watch date. Seems to me, that if the Rapture happened on the Eve of a Feast day that this would most assuredly speak to the Jewish mind just as easily. We all so often remind ourselves to look towards Israel with regards to prophecy. So too, we could just as easily look towards Jewish traditions for a Rapture time. TR Odd Geri, I opened it on my iPad??? :unsure: Tammie, I signed out of RITA. Then cleared out all my cookies. Then signed back in and was able to get into the link to read. Yeah ... very strange ... all I know is I had numerous tabs open ... not sure if my iPad was overwhelmed with too much rapture knowledge and couldn’t take another byte? :unsure: Geri, Girl, gotta watch those cookies, they snack up on ya every time :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Indeed we are not Israel, but we are the Bride! Israel still must fulfill much prophecy, albeit after the Bride has been taken. It is appointed for them to suffer yet a little while. Their land, their women and their temple will be violated. Curious to see how much regret and hindsight the Jews will have over their blindness in not accepting Christ any sooner than when they have?! Either here on Earth or during the Millennium?! Probably more than those Gentiles which never accepted Christ! TR TR, it is beyond sad to think of those that reject Chris Jesus. I think often on the verse in Luke 16:23-24. - the rich man was in anguish in this flame.... Torn about the lost but longing for my Savior. Pray with me, The Holy Spirit makes intercession with groaning beyond our understanding- if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us....that the Lord of the harvest would send laborers into His harvest...this gospel of the kingdom is a testimony to all nations and then the end will (not maybe), come. :prayer-hands: :groan Lol. Humour is very therapeutic. Thank you.
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