Full disclosure up front on this post. I am not an expert in pregnancy or birth pains. I have also, as a man, never given birth to a child. (And, just for the record, despite anyone's delusional thoughts to the contrary, never will.) OK. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let me move on to the main point of my post. It seems to me, more and more, we are seeing the evidence of what I would call Braxton Hicks birth pangs in the prophetical sense. The real intense, genuine birth pangs just prior to the "arrival of the baby" (i.e., our Lord Jesus' second coming), will not take place until we are in Daniel's 70th week, more commonly referred to as the 7-year tribulation period. Right now, to borrow a phrase from Jan Market at Understanding the Times, we are seeing the tribulation period cast its shadow forward onto our day. But another way to describe it in my mind, and more in line with the analogy of a woman's birth pangs, is to refer to what we see as Braxton Hicks contractions. Less intense, less frequent, not yet the real thing, but nonetheless very real. Corona virus (along with numerous other current diseases/pestilences afflicting our world), apocalyptic-type swarms of locusts leaving devastation and future famine in their wake, wars and rumors of wars, roaring oceans, catastrophic climate events, Christians being martyred, Jews being persecuted. Not as bad as it will be in the 70th week, but Braxton Hicks big time. Then throw in other things like cries of peace and safety, the Temple about to go up, the foundations of a future peace deal with many, technology to fulfill several passages in Revelation including the mark of the beast, geo-political alignments of Ezekiel 38, Israel flourishing with much spoil to be taken, perilous times, "church" apostasy, decaying morality, days of Noah/days of Lot conditions, and on and on the list could go. Seems to me like it cannot be long brothers and sisters. Until then we occupy and try to warn as many as possible, while we earnestly seek to dwell in the secret place of the Most High God and abide under the shadow of the Almighty God of Israel.We desperately need You Lord God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!!! Maranatha!!! (PS-I wonder if he person who created what I will call the "I'm outta here" emoji knew it would become the signature rapture emoticon. Lol. Great encouraging update, Watchman! I got high hopes in 2020 ... soon very soon the church flies away!!! :whistle: P.S. you got me giggling at Jan “Market” I know you typed it correctly but auto correct spell check strikes again :good: with not recognizing Markell and did a switcheroo with her last name. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Indeed a sobering and telling review of where we stand in this moment in time, causing one and all to review the greater issues of life! We are directed towards the knowledge that God's plans and power are once again first and foremost in the forefront of human affairs directing human history! Indeed these false labor pains cast a prophetic shadow of things that shall soon transpire. Perhaps this analogy of childbirth will cause the church to not dismiss outright the days we live in! TR
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February 22, 2020 2:34 am
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February 22, 2020 2:50 am
February 22, 2020 5:53 am