Love you too, Kolleen! Ditto! TR Kolleen, thank you for starting this thread! Your Face Is, or Will Be, Your Boarding Pass "If it’s been a year or more since you traveled, particularly internationally, you may notice something different at airports in the United States: More steps — from checking a bag to clearing customs — are being automated using biometrics." "Biometrics are unique individual traits, such as fingerprints, that can be used to automate and verify identity. They promise both more security and efficiency in moving travelers through an airport where, at steps from check-in to boarding, passengers are normally required to show government-issued photo identification." "Many of the latest biometric developments use facial recognition, which the National Institute of Standards and Technology recently found is at least 99.5 percent accurate, rather than iris-scanning or fingerprints." "Delta has been testing the technology since 2018 and plans to bring it to its Detroit hub later this year. “We want to give our customers more time to enjoy travel by unlocking simplified, seamless and efficient experiences from end to end,” said Byron Merritt, Delta’s vice president of brand experience design." And these people are in leadership positions. Oh Lord bring us home: Like rats fighting on a sinking ship, how short sighted! TR Just wow ? Rats fighting on a sinking ship! Thanks for the laugh I’m in 100% - hand me that mallet :yahoo: Susan, I'm sorry I've taken a while to reply to your question. This youtube is an interview with the young lady who recorded the above video about the detention centre, that Yohanan posted above, called "Inside Australia's Covid Internment Camp". This detention centre is in Australia's Northern Territory where most of the country's indigenous people reside but there was also another detention centre built in my state this year, supposedly for quarantining people who have entered the state from overseas and interstate. I saw a video that someone living near to it had uploaded to the internet a few months ago, and it was chilling. The lady pointed out that the "prison" was surrounded by not one, but two very high fences about a metre apart and both fences had barbed wire all around the top. My impression of it was that it reminded me of movies I have watched about Nazi Concentration Camps in World War II. It gave me a sinking feeling in my stomach. A New Zealand end-times prophecy speaker and author named Barry Smith, had written a series of books in the 80s and 90s before he died, in which he claimed that Australia and New Zealand were being used as testing grounds for the Globalists' New World Order, even back then, and I think he could be right.
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