Covid lockdowns are over just in time for wartime lockdowns??? :groan Not sure what war lockdowns would be comprised of but no doubt travel restrictions would be first. Does anyone know if our athletes have already gone to China? I cracked up when I found this in my email in-basket from an old dear sage friend: Startling Perspective Re Groundhog Day and The State of the Union: -- In 2022, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address will occur on the same day. -- This is an ironic juxtaposition of events. -- One involves a meaningless ritual looking to an insignificant creature of little intelligence for prognostication . . . -- The other involves a groundhog. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :yes: :whistle: Lol. Love it! Also in February there will be on the 22nd: 2/22/2022. This will be called two day. 😉 Wow -- "two day," Goundhog Day, is also a Tuesday!! Hebrews 3:13 -- "...exhort one another ... while it is called "TODAY," lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." I believe we may have a Rapture candidate! :yahoo: Yeah, 2/22/2022 is a Tuesday. Errr...Twos-day. Kinda cool. Lots of Palindrome days in February. https://www.timeanddate.com/date/palindrome-day.html Susan, Yes, I saw a lot of them board a charter flight to China today or maybe yesterday. The news said the athletes don't usually go in a group, but now due to Covid . . . . somehow i think peace, relief, is about to break out. i know that sort of sounds crazy in the present environment. but the red horse that takes peace from the earth doesn't get loosed until after the rapture. for peace to be taken, it has to have been present. i look at what is happening in Canada, and now convoys are forming in Australia and other places, and wonder if the stopping of coercion in various places worldwide will move the peoples to look for new governing that is beyond the political parties they have presently. https://truth11.com/2022/01/29/truckers-inspired-by-canada-begin-freedom-convoys-around-the-world/ I agree, Regina. I think the Antichrist kingdom will start off "peacefully." That's part of the great deception and will lure people in. So, things might actually appear to get better for awhile when in fact we are still hurtling towards the Tribulation at great speed. 77% Of Students At One Baltimore High School Read At Elementary, Kindergarten Level: More than three quarters of students at one Baltimore high school are reading at an elementary level, with many reading at a kindergarten level. Fox Baltimore reported that a teacher at Patterson High School, one of the largest high schools in the city, came forward with information showing 77% of students at the schools were found to have an elementary school reading level. Patterson has a 61% graduation rate and a $12 million budget. The teacher has not been identified to protect them from retaliation. Project Baltimore obtained the results for all of the students tested at Patterson High School,” the outlet reported. “In reading, 628 Patterson High School students took the test. Out of those students, 484 of them, or 77%, tested at an elementary school reading level. That includes 71 high school students who were reading at a kindergarten level and 88 students reading at a first-grade level. Another 45 are reading at a second-grade level. Just 12 students tested at Patterson High School, were reading at grade level, which comes out to just 1.9%.” When Fox asked the teacher how a student with such a low reading school could make it to high school, the teacher said “They’re pushed through.” Fox noted that Baltimore City Schools have a “one fail” policy, meaning that students can only fail a grade once before ninth grade. After one fail, the student will be pushed onto the next grade no matter how poorly they have done. The revelation comes at the same time that Maryland Public Policy Institute released a report showing that Maryland taxpayers are paying millions of dollars for “ghost students” – those who don’t attend school. Baltimore’s enrollment ‘irregularities’ are not new, but a tradition with evidence of at least 15 years of enrollment fraud in its schools.” This is not the first indication that Baltimore schools are in need of serious reform. In July 2021, The Daily Wire reported that following COVID shutdowns, four in 10 Baltimore public high school students earned below a 1.0 GPA – and failing grades wouldn’t keep students from moving onto the next grade.