As time draws near....
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As time draws near....

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As time draws nearer to our departure from this Earthbound existence Lord, let me continue to look forward rather than behind.  Let my eyes feast only upon things above and not below!

Help me Lord, to release that thing that I hold closest to me.  Let my heart gift You with the ability to offer You all my fears, desires and expectations.  Help me to finally release the sins that I am most comfortable with.

Let my spirit and soul be content with the content of what You have laid in store for me.  Teach me Lord to embrace Your heart and ask that Your heart be placed in mine!

May Your every promise towards me find a prepared and receptive heart that You might willingly plant them within me.  Born of Your heart, planted in the Earth and then to finally return to where I began.  Let this journey of spawning find it's end with You!  May this cycle of life and death and eternal life be fulfilled.

Continue to prepare my heart to receive You, just as You have prepared Heaven to receive me!  Let it be said, because My God lives so shall I!!!

Bless the heart of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever!  Amen

Your ...Tender Reed

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Posts: 8052
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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Prepare ye the way of the Lord, by preparing a sacrificial heart.  This message seems to rest heavily upon my Spirit.  Surrender seems to be Heaven's anthem!

Certainly the Lord views a surrendered heart as a most precious and beautiful commodity.  For such a heart emulates the sacred heart of Christ!

Let me have such a heart Lord!


