I am sure I am not the only one to have noticed this. I was a lurker at the old Ritan site, but checked in nearly every day. Now, it is like coming home to be here again! Isn't this why we are all here though? We are all at the bus stop, waiting to come home to a sweet, epic reunion in the presence of our Beloved . I agree! This site hasn't been up for long, maybe a week or so as I write this, but it sure feels like home! It's like pulling that old pair of favorite jeans out and putting them on again. I may be too impatient, Yohanan. I'll like things even better when instead of an old pair of favorite jeans, we'll have one or two old favorite white robes to slip into. I’m actually leaning towards the white robes might only be for the praise ceremony, the wedding ceremony, at the marriage supper of the Lamb - and any other special occasions. And for every day activities ... we might be able to wear our favorite clothes. The reason I feel this way is because I had an encounter with an angel and he was wearing American sports clothes. Here is what happened ... I was at the rehab facility visiting my mom on Mother’s Day back in 2011 and I was upset and prayed that the Lord wouldn’t take her home on Mother’s Day (she had cancer). He answered my prayers and took her home 2 weeks later on Memorial Weekend. When I left her bedside to go back home I was very sad and had my head down as I walked through the hallway to the elevator. The hall was filled with people visiting. However when elevator doors opened it was empty and I was the only one that stepped into it. I walked inside and I kept walking with my head down until I got to the back of the elevator wall and then I turned around and looked up and was shocked to see a man standing by the control panel. The doors started to close and it was just the 2 of us. He had platinum blond hair, a fabulous tan (that just glowed). He wore a red short sleeve golf shirt, plaid shorts and had on brown leather boat shoes without socks. He kept smiling and then said “lots of people here today”. I replied “yes, it is after all Mother’s Day”. He kept looking over at me and smiling. I then said “well, I hope its not raining outside”. He replied “oh no, it’s ALWAYS sunny” and emphasize the “ALWAYS” with a BIG grin on his face. I thought how can he say that .. because that spring we had really gloomy weather - with lots of rain showers. Then I looked at his tan and thought ... he doesn’t know any better ... must be a visitor from the south (Florida)? Then the doors opened up and he motioned for me to go out first. As I was passing by he lightly padded my shoulder as if to say everything will be ok. As soon as I stepped out of the elevator I saw through the lobby front glass doors that it was raining and I said “oh no you’re wrong it’s raining again” and quickly turned around and he was gone ... I looked down the 1st floor hall way and he wasn’t there either. I was like what just happened? How could he just vanish? I left the building to get lunch and drove back home. Then 2 weeks later as I was preparing for my mom’s memorial service and finding her favorite songs in a hymn book. One of songs she loved was “Dwelling in Beulah Land” when I closely read the words ... it finally hit me that I had an angelic encounter that day .... because check out the words on the 2nd stanza ...“Here the sun is ALWAYS shining” Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling; Chorus: Let the stormy breezes blow, their cry cannot alarm me; I'm living on the mountain, underneath a cloudless sky, I'm living on the mountain, underneath a cloudless sky, ———————————- So my thoughts are where did the angel get his American clothes? Did he go into a store and buy them or do Angels have a big wardrobe of various clothes they can change into? If so, perhaps we will too? So being able to wear our old jeans could be possible! :whistle: Fascinating, Geri! Thank you for that. Hope springs eternal! Oh, and that's one of my favorite hundreds of hymns. :yes: As for me, I shall enjoy the prelude to the fullest. As stated, after 4 heart attacks I hope I don't evacuate prematurely! lol Seriously, there are eternal bonds being formed here on this site! So it seems to me! TR Praying that you remain well. :heart: I agree. This is a special group of watchers who truly are looking for Jesus to return at any minute and not years from now. I’ve always sense the close bond here ... even back in 2014-2015 when I faithfully lurked in and it was refreshing to see. Glad we can talk about blood moons or high watch dates and Jewish feasts days and try to figure out the pattern and the mods don’t think its “sinful”. I look at it this way the wise men were studying the Scriptures and also looking at the stars/moon patterns/alignments and they figured out when Jesus came the first time and brought gifts and got a chance to worship Him in person as a young child. That wasn’t called sinful. So it surprises me that other forum boards consider it “sinful” when we discuss these topics. I think Jesus is pleased we are talking about things and trying to learn and figure out when He will appear in the sky to call us home. That's awesome, Geri! Your story brought me to tears. Sometimes I think that even as we are in the depths of despond, Jesus smiles and laughs - not because of our pain, but because He sees the glory and treasures that await us. He's got this!!! Can't wait to meet u in person TR! Perhaps tea on the other side?
I am convinced God has a sense of humor, to give us this foretaste of the Home for which we long. :heart:
Then I know the sins of earth beset on every hand;
Doubt and fear and things of earth in vain to me are calling;
None of these shall move me from Beulah Land.
I'm living on the mountain, underneath a cloudless sky,
I'm drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry;
Oh, yes! I'm feasting on the manna from a bountiful supply,
For I am dwelling in Beulah Land.
I am safely sheltered here, protected by God's hand;
Here the sun is always shining, nothing there can harm me;
I am safe forever in Beulah Land.
I'm drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry;
Oh, yes! I'm feasting on the manna from a bountiful supply,
For I am dwelling in Beulah Land.
I'm drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry;
Oh, yes! I'm feasting on the manna from a bountiful supply,
For I am dwelling in Beulah Land.