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imho, it may not speak of the rapture or the second coming.  It may speak speak of the start of Daniel's 70th week, when sudden destruction shows up while they are saying peace and safety.  We are gone already.  The second coming has not happened yet.  Think about it.  Makes a lot of sense.   It may also be at or near the time of the rapture as well, but to His Jewish audience, Daniel's 70th week at the end would fit quite well in cultural context.

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Pentecost just before the clock on year 70 runs out.  Sounds like a huge watch time to me.  Pentecost always has seemed like the perfect symmetrical placement of the rapture.  End the Church age on the same day it was conceived, and then continue on to the final 3 fall feasts to be fulfilled 7 1/2 years later in the fall of 2026 at Jesus' 2nd coming.  Many, many stranger things have happened.  Maranatha!!!

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If I wake up on May 15th in my own bed still chained to this fallen earth, I will have to take a very, very deep breath and ask the Lord to give me a paradigm shift.  Not sure what that would feel like and I frankly have no desire to go through the experience, Abba.  Nevertheless, Thy will be done.

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I was looking on a "harvest times in Israel" page and it states that the wheat harvest begins in's to hoping!

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Wheat harvest in Israel bgins in mid May and ends in mid July. Flour comes from wheat. And this is why the two women grinding the wheat and baking the flour. They are making bread. Does it mean rapture has to take place begote mid July?

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Geri7:  In 2019, the month of May is a high watch month for the Resurrection/Rapture.  Why?  My view is based on the 70 years 1949-2019.   With the formation of Israel on May 14,1948 by declaration and its subsequent establishment on May 11, 1949 by U.N. admission, following Israel's second conquest of Canaan, we may reasonably speculate a countdown of 70 years to Daniel's 70th week. (1949-2019)  This approach is warranted by the duration of the 70-year Babylonian exile and Daniel's 70 weeks sabbatical prophecy theme. This is the formula suggested, if not confirmed, by Zechariah 1:12-16 which leads to Temple construction. The duality of this Zechariah 1 prophecy is spot on today.  This view fully aligns with Luke 21:29's Fig Tree parable with the "Fig Tree" (Israel) and "all the trees" the U.N. and a 70-year generation. (Psalm 90:10)  In the OT there is definitely a visitation theme associated with 70-year periods.  (Jeremiah 29:10; Isaiah 23:17)  And finally, remnant Israel (Shear-Jashub), Isaiah's son's name from Isaiah 7:3) will be forgiven by the Lord, not seven times, but seventy times seven times. (Matthew 18:21-22).  God's use of 70 invites our speculative reliance. (Amos 3:7; Ecclesiastes 1:9)   Then there is the Pentecostal association with the Resurrection/Rapture. (1 Corinthians 15:20-28, 51)  Paul clearly suggests the three orders to the first resurrection.  Order No. 1, Jesus at First Fruits during feast of Unleavened Bread the first pilgrimage feast, Order No. 2, they that are Christ's at his coming on Pentecost, the second pilgrimage feast, (1 Cor 15:52) and Order No. 3, then comes the end, on Tabernacles, the third and final pilgrimage feast. (Rev. 20:4-5)  I am fully aware everyone believes that Pentecost was fulfilled in Acts 2.  Acts 2 was Stage 1 of a 2-Stage promise.  The gift of the H.S. was Stage 1, to be followed by Stage 2, the redemption of the body.  Read Ephesians 1:13-14 and notice that Holy Spirit sealed the promise (Stage 1) to be followed by the redemption of the body (Stage 2).  Now, understand the Levite priest instructions as to the symbolism of the seven festivals of the Lord (Leviticus 23).   On First Fruits when Jesus was being resurrected and raptured to heaven (He came back same day) the priests were conducting the "wave sheaf of grain offering" lifting the sheaf up to God in thanks for the anticipated grain harvest at Pentecost.  On Pentecost the Levite priests were instructed to take the grain harvest and bake two loaves of bread and lift up the loaves to God in thanks.  Each loaf represents the "resurrected dead in Christ" and the "rapture of the living in Christ". (1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:17.  The Resurrection/Rapture completes the symbolic meaning of the feast of Pentecost.  So, when is Pentecost in 2019?  No one can be sure of the day.  There are at least four choices because it depends on when the year begins for the Jewish festivals.   All I can say is that Pentecost 2019 is either in May or early June and probably on a Sunday in Jerusalem.   For further reading see:

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Keep your chin up!

Today is 11192 days from September 1st 1988... and we all know what happened then!!!

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That would be an excellent date.  My sisters Gloria who is in heaven now had her birthday on April 28 :yahoo: :flyup:

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Here's what perks my curiosity....

Since it's referring to the jews in the field and at the mill, yet the jews wont

be raptured (except for the few Christ believing jews)(whom I believe become the 144000, but that's another story)  Therefore I believe it's another event. I have no proof or any idea of what it could be. But to me personally, it doesn't line up with either the rapture or the end of the trib.

*speculation* could it possibly be the mid trib event? half the jews captured, the ones that remain escape to petra?

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