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Anyone Else Nervous About Trump & Pence Spending So Much Time Together?

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A recent post on another prophecy site reminded me of something I already knew--that the Speaker of the House of Representatives is third in line for the US Presidency.  With all the time that President Trump and Vice President Pence are spending together these days, it makes me a little nervous.  God forbid, if someone should try to take them both out at the same time, that would leave us with President Pelosi.  If that doesn't send shivers down your spine and cause you to reach for that little white bag in the pouch on the back of the seat in front of you, I don't know what would.  That would result in an unprecedented move towards globalism in this country.  If we have to be here a little longer, Lord, have mercy on us to spare us from such a fate.

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Ok, so I was (key word being was) feeling very good about the state of affairs, until you had to bring that up...... 🙁

Have to remind ourselves, Romans 13:1 still exists, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”

AND....2 Timothy 1;7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

course we would be exiting quickly, if that occurred.... :prayer-hands:

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@Watchman35, It gets worse ! 1 theory I heard within the past few months was that if Pelosi ever became President like that. That she would make Hillary Clinton her Vice President and then resign so Hillary would be President.

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That would be truly horrifying!

Patricia N.
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We must pray for them.  Every night I pray for the President, his family and his whole administration and all advisors for their safety, health and for godly wisdom for them.  I pray that they all will be honest, honorable, and competent and that God would help them make the right decisions during this crisis and always.

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Good prayer Sis!  Indeed Godly leaders are such a blessing from the Lord.  Anyone who wears the crown of authority should look to the Lord as to how best administer that authority.

I hope and pray that we won't be here long enough to see that happen.  Like so many who made rash promises to leave this country if Trump got elected.  But their still here.

Indeed if Trump and Pence are indeed Raptured with the rest of God's saints, whoever their replacements would be would do the AC's bidding!


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Oh my, that is a terrible thought, Leaving Soon.... 🙁

Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man (woman, remember Jezebel), rules, the people groan.”

God mentions Jezebel again in Revelation for the churches in reference to the Evil wickedness that will arise.


Kenneth K Pon
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Sometimes scary reports like the Pelosi-as-POTUS subject can produce good results.

My brother was saved about 20 years ago. Since then over the years we have debated about going in the Rapture. He thought he might want to stay, if he could, to help save and minister to people. Given his knowledge of Scripture and prophecy in particular, he thought he could help people with avoiding deceptions. He didn't seem to have a martyr complex and he really did want to see Jesus, but there was this reluctance to go because so many of our family members are unsaved. I would remind him of the harshness and terror of life during the Tribulation designed to turn the most hard-hearted-- but still reachable, people. Besides, the 144,000 Jews that were going to evangelize the whole earth would do the job and they would be supernaturally protected. He would not have that same protection. There was no guarantee he would even survive the first wave of chaos due to the Rapture let alone any of the judgments. He said it didn't scare him out of wanting to stay and help. He could withstand massive earthquakes, plagues, wars, demonic entities, family members turning on him, everything in the seal, trumpet and bowl judgments, etc. Not even the thought of being beheaded scared him away.

But then, I just happened to mention the line of succession that would make Pelosi Potus should the Rapture happen, Trump and Pence go up and she was Speaker of the House. Here's his immediate response:

"I’ve always wondered if I was destined to be left behind. I was never strong on faith, but KNEW the rapture and rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple would transform my middlin’ faith to “I KNOW.” Besides, someone of strong faith should be left behind to help others. Throughout the years you’ve argued both the benefits of being Raptured as well as the stupidity of NOT being Raptured, but they were lukewarm to me. Congratulation for coming up with the first argument that truly resonates with me. I kid you not, the concept that Nancy Pelosi might become President after the Rapture flat out scares me both mentally and spiritually. She seems really stupid, but there’s almost no way she could wield such power for so many years unless she’s a secret genius or aided demonically."

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A political Jezebel for sure!

The idea of anyone spending an eternity in Hell is depressing, especially if it might involve family members.  That said, the witness that those taken maintained might greatly speak to those left behind!

Though the Lord in His kindness will erase them from our memories.  I wonder if God will forget them?!


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I worry enough about the current administration fulfilling prophecies most Christians seems to want to turn a blind eye too. Oh well, time’ll tell.

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