I was wondering if there was anything in this phrase that keeps rumbling through my mind? "This is the year of the cross"! Your thoughts if any! The only thing I have is that it speaks to a culmination! TR
Whoa! So the holy spirit is putting that in your mind?!
I keep reminding myself that the craziness that we are seeing is just setting the stage for the Great Tribulation. Christ said “It is finished” on the Cross. I hope TR that you are being told “Times up. Look up!” And I agree what was said earlier that things can’t really start happening until the Church is gone. There are so many powder kegs around the world. Hope to see you all soon!
There are so many powder kegs around the world
yes, Kent. that describes the world situation perfectly.
Scary, but true.
In response to TR’s impression that “This is the year of the cross” denotes culmination, I’d like to add that the letter “Tav” in Hebrew is the 22nd and last letter of that alphabet. In the original Paleo-Hebrew form, this letter is depicted as a simple cross. Right now, in 2022, we know the Lord Jesus told the Apostle John in Revelation that He is the Alpha and the Omega. It’s not a stretch to assume that the Lord was speaking to John in their native tongue, so He would have said: “I am the Alef and the Tav”. Of course, Hebrew alphabet letters are each associated with a picture connotation, or pictogram, and “Tav” is associated with the meaning “mark” or “sign”… and what a wonderful sign indeed!
Hi Paul! Welcome to the group!
Paul R - I love that information!
I also had something come to my heart one morning recently. It was so strong that I realized that I had actually said the words - 'The demons are about to be let loosed'. It was right after that I went to a FB page and there were 2 videos about the coming demons.
Welcome Paul! 🙂
Welcome paul into our family.
Glad your on board! Welcome! TR