I agree, let's not post it. Yohanan brings up some good points as well. Indeed if Paul the Apostle has been taken up, possibly on three separate occasions, why would he have not mentioned any singular thing that he saw?! I always found that odd! That said, we do entertain angels unawares and some were made aware of angelic presence, just as like in scripture. The Rapture and the details of it were called a mystery. Perhaps these end time visitations into the Heavenly realm are indeed part of God's plans. I know that there once was a man who claimed being in Heaven some 88 times and his daughter also claiming many visits. A great number of details have been given regarding commerce, construction and other aspects of Heavenly life. This one also gave me great pause. The pale of orthodoxy is often pushed to either extreme. But though heavenly life will be filled with many glories and beautiful beyond recognition, I'm OK with being surprised by those. Indeed the greatest glory awaiting each of us is the glory of God Himself! As well as the nature of the relationship we will have with our Creator God and our Bridegroom! All I can do is my best to test every spirit and judge rightly. In any event, we'll be there soon enough to see for ourselves! NDE's in general reinforce and help validate to a certain measure who and what we have placed our faith in. For that reason, they are comforting if not entertaining! TR