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Alternative to the FOT

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I've been very solidly committed over the years that the rapture MUST be the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets and waited and watched each year as it approached as so many of you have. I pray each day that God will give me a sign of some kind to enlighten me as to when that wondrous event will occur. just some kind of hint.

This past week while searching for some related material I was drawn to and article having to do with an alternative to the FOT. I read it and then promptly copied it.

The entire content of the 8 pages is very well put together and researched biblically and shows why the rapture must occur on Pentecost. I was completely fascinated with the idea and have re-read a few times and am now strongly convinced that this next feast of Pentecost (June 5, 2022) may well be the time of our departure. Lets kick this idea around a little between us and upon request I'll e-mail the article itself to anyone that would like to read it.

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There seems to be ample justification for many feasts and dates!

For the church to begin and end on the same day is the most glaringly simple explanation!

Also maintaining the middle position of the Menorah seems to also fit into God's prophetic model!


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Over the years I've read or heard several arguments on why the Rapture will happen on a certain calendar day or Feast day. They were all very compelling. I used to be dogmatic about Feast of Trumpets but have since just gone day to day. I still really enjoy reading/hearing other theories so this thread should be interesting.

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I believe that Pentecost is a very strong Rapture candidate. The Church began on Pentecost and could end on Pentecost. One could also say that it has only been partially fulfilled. Perhaps it will be fully fulfilled at the Rapture and then the final 3 feasts can have their own fulfillment.

There was a pretty good study on Pentecost last year on There may be some food for thought there. Here is part 4:



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I agree that Pentecost has always been a reasonable and logical high watch day, I was quite fond of it for a time. More recently I have thought more about the Rapture being not so much about a day of feast or a day expected but as a last minute rescue. In my heart I believe the Lord will wait to remove us at the last possible minute before His plans to begin judgment. Since He is long suffering, He is not willing that any should perish but all would come to repentance.....It will be a "last call" rescue just in the nick of time before judgment begins. I no longer feel that it needs to be a feast day. I am fond of the Lord's day since that is what John referenced when seeing the future in Revelation, so often on the weekends I get a bit more watchful (as if that's even possible :mdrmdr: ) but I still believe it can be any time, and the sooner the better 😉

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For years I had my eyes glued to Feast of Trumpets and Resurrection Sunday.  Then when J.R. Church and Gary Stearman brought up the Pentecost rapture theory … I added that to my extra watch days.

Now, I’m a desperate “liberal” so not picky at all … any day will do!   B-)

My “penny  nickel and dime thoughts”  are I’m hoping it happens  tomorrow on (Halloween)

if not :mail:

Nov 1st (All Saints Day)

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I have watched many feast days come and go. For a long time I was a Pentecost rapture watcher as I felt the Holy Spirit had been given on this day to birth the church and he would be removed with the church where the rapture occurs (he will work as he did in the OT days throughout the trib); Any way next I rationalize that it really is the FOT because of the end of the summer, the trumpet, the thrashing floor and so much more …. I also felt God telling me that look to not a feast day but the traditional wedding of the Galilean whom Christ is portrayed as and that meant a likely Wednesday rapture … I still listen intently every Wednesday for the call from the trumpets to announce that the Bridegroom comes …. My I have also felt to look at each moment of each day and pray for the perfect Will of God to bring His children home. I am an imminent watcher (any minute) :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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Agree with both Tammie and Geri!

Again, the concerted effort by God to keep the exact timing of the Rapture under wraps is also glaringly obvious!

The sooner the better!

