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All except for…

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All except for Enoch, Elijah and Christ I have often wondered if the Rapture was real!  Or will it ever happen in my lifetime?!

It’s all about faith!


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Sometimes it seems it’s past time for the rapture and I’ve wondered the same. I think that is natural given that most of us thought we’d already be out of here but God does seem to favor Red Sea moments so I’m keeping my hopes up as well as my head. 😊

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As there are some that deny the Rapture, I thought it good to address the issue!  And the promise of God during an open vision telling me I would live to see the end of the world answers the question of when!  Indeed, waiting for something so glorious is a tedious endeavor!  I truly don't when exactly, but am ever hopeful that we are indeed in the season watching the second hand of time count down our days!  TR

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It can get overwhelming when you really think of the moment when we are ushered into the presence Christ! Quite breathtaking actually. So that alone makes the waiting that much more difficult……and exhausting!

Yes, there are those who don’t believe in the rapture but that really goes against Gods nature. Why would He expose the Bride of Christ to His wrath? Makes absolutely no sense that a loving God would do such a thing. I’ve had conversations with those who do not gel in the rapture and they always point to the atrocities that Christians have endured since the beginning of the Church age, many things unthinkable and horrific but the wrath if man pales by comparison to the wrath of Almighty God!

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I’m very hopeful we leave this week … if not … then I’m on alert for talks of nukes going off … because unfortunately they will … NTEB has a podcast about

Why Are The Global Elite Billionaires All Building Underground Doomsday Bunkers To Survive The Apocalypse?

The global elites have for years been creating a vast network of underground doomsday bunkers where they plan to ride out the coming apocalypse from.
New Zealand has become a prime destination for billionaires seeking doomsday refuge, from Google co-founder Larry Page, 49, to Silicon Valley entrepreneur Sam Altman, 37, who let it slip in a 2016 interview that he and PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel had a mutual agreement to escape to Thiel’s New Zealand compound via private jet at the first sign of society’s collapse. But for the born again child of God, no bunker is needed as we have the sealing of the Holy Spirit. Welcome to Day 924 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, do you have your shelter in the time of storm ready? I do.

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:25,26

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So as the globalists try to hide from danger … we the church have our own escape hide away :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

I sure 💜 our escape route better! :whistle:

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The whole bunkers thing makes me think of Revelation 6:15-17:

And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!  For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

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Even godless men follow what the Bible says whether they want to or not. Their scrapes in the earth will avail them not.

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With earthquakes in all places, it is amazing to think they believe an underground bunker will be a safe place. Per scripture there will be no place to hide from the wrath poured out.

I’m with you Geri, I like my survival plan, fly out of here with that last trumpet blown, to meet the Lord Jesus in the air and onward to the bridal ceremony.

It does seem very surreal that we may actually be raptured this week or next! I am feeling a bit nostalgic, combined with a bit of wondering, and excitement all bundled together….. :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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Beginning to wonder what's the last thing I'll be doing just before the Rapture!  Or when is the last time i fill my tank with gas, grocery shop, or even when I lay my head down to sleep!  Elijah knew the exact day and time as he prepared Elisha and warned the school of prophets.  They all witnessed his rapture!  Christ also knew where and when He would ascend into the clouds!  Again I am drawn to the angelic herald and then a trumpet as being God's early warning system!  Noah was told when to enter the Ark!  Israel was told three days in advance of going into the promised land!  We speculate on Feast days, new moons, hoping the future will mirror the past, which could very well be!  But Christ was ambiguous as to the exact timing!  That may or may not come later!  TR

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As T. R. says:  "But Christ was ambiguous as to the exact timing!  That may or may not come later! "

Reminds me how sad Mary and Martha surely felt when Jesus didn't come as they expected on that day to save their brother Lazarus.

God's timing seems to want to 'stretch' our wait so God can get even more Glory I guess.

Waiting is so not easy ~

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