Advice/Prayer Reque...
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Advice/Prayer Request

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Thank each of you so very much for such outpourings of love and concern turned to prayer to our loving Heavenly Father in Jesus' Name!

a few praises:  it's been quiet much longer periods of time (although the wall just rattled from something banging so hard...there's not the kicking/ball? sound over and over almost constantly for hours anymore, but still at times banging at random times, but i do not jump and cringe and fill up with fear anymore...but i do keep praying)

i talked w/the other neighbor cuz saw her in her driveway when we happen to be out there- at least they might take note now of what they can hear a little more in case there are cries clearly for help or if/when her kids say something unusual about the neighbors (she said her kids ask to play with the neighbor kids but that they aren't allowed to play outside, she said they don't have a car- but there is one we've seen sitting there too long to be just dropping off - she'd said they get delivery all the time, & mentioned that there's not a man there or the lady is by herself & has met her 1 time, but we know there is a man there a lot becuz my hubby talked to him/saw him thru door window before Thanksgiving & we hear him talking & i told her that- i get nervous & say more than intended...)

And the most dramatic blessing recently, is that I believe the Lord used this situation and y'alls prayers added to ours & my parents' on going prayers for her to soften our daughter's heart toward God!  It was amazing how she opened up to us on Sunday & honestly it was completely unexpected by us at that time!  She is back to how she was (it has probably been about 3 months of things like calling things of God "crap" when I tried to suggest thanking Him for things she fears that do not happen and leaving rooms as quickly as possible if we are listening to anything/talking about having to do with God's Word, etc.) where she has accepted God's love and trusts Him again and knows she's saved and is reading her Bible and even listening to preaching/teaching with us some too!  Nothing is impossible with The One True God!!!

And an unrelated praise- well, we might could get out of this place sooner (or begin the process at least) if this worked out- there is a lady interested in buying our house, but still no offer so far

We can definitely tell there is a little kid there (neighbor lady did not say how many or ages) by the voice and cry now- probably a toddler...makes more sense of not being as bad if it's a little kid we were hearing and not a lady crying/screaming that way since little kids get angry and upset and throw fits if in trouble or don't get their way, so i guess it could be that nobody is actually getting hurt and could be that there are older kids since other neighbors have a prob pre-teen/early teen and a little bitty kid at least, so what i thought occasionally sounded like a bowling ball dropping in a lane and bouncing couple times could be that and even the kicking sound were really a soccer or basketball on walls- esp if really not allowed outside- which is obviously strange...definitely some expressive people at the very least....if we need to call someone to look into this, God will assure us of that need and give us a peace and the wisdom of who to call, when & what to tell them and what to do if we need to do anything else....i do believe He laid it on my heart to place a little something on the 3 neighbors nearest us doorsteps for Christmas that will include a gospel tract.

My husband realized that if nothing else, we could be the first people ever to have prayed for those people next to us in their entire lives....and that means y'all too!  I thank the Lord that He always is happy for us to join in His work by prayer and that is one thing we can always do no matter what the situation for ourselves or others.

I love hearing y'alls love for the Lord on this forum and your Godly insight and loving encouragement to me and each other!  Can't wait to meet Jesus and all of us who are His Bride in the air hopefully & prayerfully so very very soon!!!

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We all need to be reminded of His great love for us all!  Realizing we can never measure up or impress God!  But we can be found more pleasing in His sight and secure His favor towards us daily!  His regard for us can only grow as we submit to and are obedient unto His leading!  He is beautiful "for situation" and in each situation!  Though I often preach to the choir so to speak, revisiting truth is always lifting!   He will always lead, provide and love each of us in very personal ways, He knowing us better than we know ourselves!  And being a heavenly Father, He is just in all His ways!  Oh that I could be more accepting of others, as He is!  TR

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*construction heavy equipment thing leveling out the backyards of new duplexes behind us before they put down grass- not "tractor" (that was incredibly loud)...yes, we will probably not real long from now have lots more close neighbors!

*prob 3 years old? (probably not like 1 or 2) but it's been a long time since i've been around any preschoolers/babies etc...

yes, i re-read a bunch on here and am being a little obsessive, sorry...anyway, thanks again y'all- may the Lord bless you for sharing His lovingkindness!!!  hugs & prayers to all of y'all, goodnight!

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