I had a very strange rapture thought/fantasy that I thought I would share just for laughs today. As many of you know from other posts I have written I have often said a little bit of warning would be nice since I don’t want to be in an awkward place when the rapture happens like using the restroom or taking a shower, and just my luck I probably will be. Well I thought of the ultimate awkward place that maybe tops all today that may give you a laugh. Also as many of you might know from some of my other posts I have a small family cemetery where my mom is buried on my farm and I call it my rapture “early warning system” since the dead in Christ rise first. Ok so ready for the most awkward of places? Today I was mowing the grass out in the cemetery and as the lawnmower went over my mom’s grave I had the momentary thought - what if the rapture happened now and she rose first and momentarily shot me and the mower like a rocket into the sky before I was changed a moment later -wouldn’t that be awkward! My mind is a strange and complicated place - I hope you all got a giggle out of my odd contemplations. :mdrmdr: Its funny how we all have different worries … I’m more concerned about it happening while using the faucet or the stove /electrical appliance. Also if it happens while driving or at the grocery store … our clothes will be left and if we are carrying a wallet and keys … some stranger will pick them up and head over to rob our places and if people have unsaved loved ones in the home … wow … they will be in danger. I’m counting on the Lord bringing my fur baby up … but if not … I don’t want them harming my dog and I don’t want to see him starve and thirst to death. I also can’t imagine flying thru walls, ceiling, the roof … If He returns at the midnight hour, for us that would be in the evening time. But in the East two would be in the field and women in the kitchen??? When they are left behind! TR
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May 14, 2022 1:16 pm
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May 14, 2022 1:45 pm
May 14, 2022 3:46 pm