It’s the elevation that provides Big Bear and Lake Arrowhead with snow (approx 6700-9000 ft) Shasta Lake’s elevation is only a little more than 1000’ but Mt Shasta rises over 14,000’ and is an amazing site to see! Coming up from the south of the mountain you round a bend and there it stands all alone in all of its majesty! It truly is breathtaking! Got it. :good: It makes sense now. The high elevation of the mountain is colder and you have the snow for skiing/snowboarding. But when you reach the bottom of the mountain is back to summer warm temps and the sporting events switch over to canoeing, swimming, water skiing, hiking and fishing. The best of both worlds. I’m wondering if this is how heaven will be in order to please everyone ... those who love snow and the cold sports, they can climb to the top of the mountain? While the rest that love warm climate sports stay where they are at on the golden streets and Gold Coast beaches? California used to be nearly paradise! My mom lived there in the 50's and she said it was absolutely wonderful. Even so, it's still a beautiful place in spite of all of it's setbacks. You can surf and snow ski on the same day! I know people who have done so. I never did because sitting on a surf board waiting for the big fishies to get hungry never interested me much. Practically everyone I knew surfed and one guy I knew worked at a custom surf board factory in Dana Point. He nearly had me convinced and even had a particular board he would give me to get started, so I ate my lunch every day for a month at North Beach (near San Clemente) getting myself psyched up to do it. Then, just before getting the surf board, the local newspaper reported a 20' Great White breached right there at North Beach. That was the end of it! But I liked skiing at Snow Valley near Big Bear. I do miss California! If the Rapture is delayed I can see myself moving back some day. In spite of our Governor here trying his best to ruin this golden state ~~ it still at times feels like paradise considering the weather, mountains, oceans and trees all within close miles all around ~~ Though this global chaos is real . . no doubt MUCH prayer and intercession is happening with exercised faith abundantly ~ effecting everything and everyone surely our God delights that we cling to His promises of Refuge while this earth is having a shakeup that feels we've entered in a suspended twilight zone ~ never, even in history, has anything like this been global ~ It truly speaks of spiritual implications. Indeed Spring, Summer or Fall. And if there is a gap until the Tribulation technically starts, that could happen in the Winter season. Still haunted by the verse that promises Summer is near! Therefor highlighting it. TR
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