Should be interesting from now until 1/20 We have the vaccine rolling out, the Iran situation getting worse, and all of this election fraud stuff. I can just here Satan saying: I talked to the Rabbi but told him to be quiet! What a world, can't trust anyone! TR Speaking of Rabbis: -Fair Use- Talk about a bumpy ride! Again, the level of fear, ignorance and compliance is astounding! Many are being played like an out of tune violin! Pastors asleep! No in a self induced coma! Again we can only hope to wait and follow the Spirits leading! The few, the humble and the God loving! TR Baaaaaa! TR Don’t think for a moment that satan would only have one road to the destruction of humanity, he has and can use the United Nations, Soros, deep state, and even Q at many levels to achieve his purpose ... this world is not our home, we are heaven bound and may the earth and all those that choose to follow him reap what they have sown, sad as it is! :prayer-hands: Rejected by Earth, yet accepted by Heaven! Telling yet ironic! TR