The seven Feast Days are the Lord’s! They are His seven point redemption plan of Man! Belonging not to the Jews, but appointed and revealed to all men by the Jewish nation! Can we presuppose they dictate the Raptures timing? But rather veil the Rapture as part of His plans! Highlighting the Rapture as an integral part of His plan?! TR We can hope and pray, bro :prayer-hands: For if the Rapture does indeed occur on a non Feast Day, I for one will not balk or accuse God of making a mistake! Let’s be real here, any day is a good day! TR Indeed TR, and that is just fine with me! I am a happy camper/watcher either way. Your will be done, Father! But I do have ants in my pants “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Matthew I don't think He is coming today....maybe my reverse psychology attempts will help me get through each of these days...and help get me to actually thinking, it could be TODAY!! Keep looking up!! Our redemption is closer than it ever has been, and getting closer each minute! :flyup: I'm with you Churchgal! Now and forever! Well we each have our burdens given us, I'm yours! TR Ants and all! TR
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