7 day countdown...
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7 day countdown...

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Seven days and counting till Feast of Trumpets!

Seems to me that we should have a greater awareness of where we stand within God's prophetic timetable by next Monday.  It also seems to me that as time goes on things will become more clear to us all.

With or without an advance warning, the days ahead will be filled with spiritual illumination!  As such I am reminded of two facts.  Firstly, time is on our side.  Secondly, I can only continue to trust in God's righteousness and His righteous judgments.  Knowing that no one destined for Hell will be there by mistake!

In any event, God will always be glorified!


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Would just like to add my 2 cents. I was so happy to see this post! Feast of Trumpets is my highest watch time, and it's so very close now! Hoping this is it! :yahoo:

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Having heard arguments pro and con for a variety of days to be considered, I could never commit to one day over another.  Having said that, I don't want to automatically disqualify any high watch date as well!

God is never late!  And should this day pass before us with our still being here on Earth, I again offer the consolation that time is on our side!


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Here's a bump to this post! It's getting closer and maybe, just maybe.... :flyup: :heart:

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Should have a better sense of things this weekend.  Again, between now and May next year should be very telling.

Some believe that we might be here for another three years, God forbid.  And for any who should spread such evil rumors, may the bluebird of paradise fly up their noses!  That's my story and I'm sticking with it!


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I thought this "Sabbath Report" was pretty interesting considering FoT is just days away:


Shabbat (Sabbath) begins on Fridays at 6pm and ends on Saturdays at 6pm. The purpose is to help the church and Israel become reconciled in Messiah and to identify the rift, and the needed restoration. There is much in the church that needs to change before it can be fully reconciled with the Jew. Likewise, changes in Jewish thinking are also needed.

27th September 2019

Shabbat Shalom to all!

A surprising prophetic message:

As regular readers know, I’m always very cautious on the supernatural, due to its misuse by so many, but of course we don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Some time ago I was asleep and was suddenly awakened at about 2am with a very vivid, loud trumpet blast. (I think I shared it here back then) Nothing else materialised, but because it was so vivid and clear I left it on the shelf.

A few nights ago, I was awakened by a loud knock on my bedroom door (I am a bachelor, so there was no one else in the home.) There was no one there. Again, I shelved it.

Last night I was awakened at 2am by loud cannon shots. (I live in a very quiet, peaceful area with none of those things around.)

Then yesterday I received an email from a friend and reader saying that she was “repeatedly hearing the words “like a weaned child” in her spirit. She shared this beautiful Psalm with me:

Psalm 131:2-3 “Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forever.”

How is this connected and what’s going on? Let’s first have a look at the “weaned child”.

The term “weaned child” implies a separation from the mother, but with a strong connection to the mother still remaining in some way. This would be seen in what the mother has produced in the child in terms of biblical virtues.

We as believers, are like a weaned child of our great God and Saviour, we are His children, weaned for service, but connected through an invisible umbilical cord producing the life of God in us. But we are about to be fully weaned in the rapture!

As weaned children we will walk into a new eternal world, ready for much greater things in heaven and in the universe. These things were planned for the true believer, before the foundation of the world! (Ephesians 1:4) What comfort there is in that!

Weaned: Strong’s H1580: “Gamal” Meanings: Weaned, to deal out reward, bountiful recompense.

Note the amazing biblical definition of “weaned.” Note its connection to rewards for the believer. This means it is connected to eternity.

By the way, there will be smoking in heaven, but only for a very short time. All believers who squandered and wasted their spiritual lives and opportunities will see the rewards they would have received go up in smoke. (1 Corinthians 3:13)

But what about the message of the  trumpet, the knock on the door, and the cannon?

So, I went before the Lord and asked what was going on here? Why all these things and what is the connection if any? This was the answer I sensed in my spirit:

The trumpet sound was for a time ahead of us – that time is now, the Feast of Trumpets on Sunday and Monday. The knock on my door, was our Lord saying – “I am coming very, very soon”! The Cannon blasts were the symbol of great war about to break out. And finally the “weaned child” is a type of the pre-tribulation rapture of the true church.

No, I’m not setting a date cast in stone. I am setting an urgent warning! If it’s not now, it’s soon and very soon!

Now with the above in mind I would like to draw your attention to the following message and article. But first, and before I get a whole lot of emails, I am not supporting Rabbinical Judaism in any way. I believe they are way off the track in legalism. But can God speak through them? The question is can God speak through a donkey, through nature, trees, flowers and the like. Can He speak through stones? And the answer is yes. But don’t take these things too far.

Many will remember the event where 108 year-old Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri wrote the name of the Messiah in a note book sealed until his death (in 2006). When it was opened it revealed His name: Yeshua (Jesus) sending shock waves through the rabbinical community. This led to many Jews getting saved.

Now, a forty year-old prophecy from the same Rabbi Kaduri has been discovered in his writings, by his son.

He predicted that the Messiah would be revealed right after an election stalemate in Israel, resulting in a confused government. He claimed that this would be in the Hebrew year 5780. This Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) next week changes to the new-year 5780.

His prediction claims that there will be a battle in the heavens between the “side of holiness” and the “side of darkness,” and God will decide the issue.

Another prophecy by an ancient Rabbi known as the “Prophet from Egypt” speaks of political conflict coming in Israel between two political leaders both named “Benjamin” (Netanyahu and Benjamin Gantz) neither of whom would be able to rule effectively.

This prophecy goes on to claim: “On that day, the Messiah will already be standing at the door and will be revealed the following Sabbath.

There are other interesting prophecies from other rabbis claiming that war is about to break out and much more. It’s all very interesting.

These articles have been published in The Jerusalem Post and many other Hebrew and English publications.

I am not claiming that these predictions are the word of God in every detail. There is an undeniable convergence of many other end-time prophecies all dovetailing together now.

What I am doing is compiling a number of issues that have a common theme and convergence, which have come before me of late, and looking for the word of the Lord in it all, if at all.

The word of the Lord in it all is: Watch, pray, be ready, be clean, be holy, be right with God, be humble before Him, believe His word, repent, reject error and love the whole truth.

Hope and expectation together are powerful comforting godly forces.

I have nothing to prove in getting you or anyone to believe all these things. If you have problems with these predictions, that’s fine. Just keep looking to our Lord in all surrender.

Personally, I think this Feast of Trumpets is going to be significant in many ways. It may be the rapture moment, it may not. Something will be happening in the heavenly realm.

Your advance in the Lord is cast securely in the stone of God’s eternal temple.

✡† Shalom...Joel.

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Great presentation.  I agree with your interpretation of personal events.  And certainly appreciate the cautious and even handed approach to the supernatural.

Let it be so Lord!  Indeed time is on our side and it is for the most part down hill from here on out!

I also would be reluctant to make any emphatic claims as to the day of the Rapture, that said we can all truly sense we are in the season.   Again, as the Lord administrates His perfect will, He is indeed in charge of each and every detail.

Not surprising that God would speak to whom He would, and that God would grab the attention of various saints on a personal level.  I am still holding out for a definitive and corporate disclosure!

Again, am looking forward to all the glories of Heaven and being in His eternal presence.  Am also looking forward to meeting all the saints here at RITAN!

Love & blessings till we meet in glory!


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Don't think it's gonna be a happy new year for Israel.  Probably not until next May! :scratch:

Oct 31st, Hannukah, Christmas...?  Any day we could get the call!  Let us and our faith continue to mature that we might be all the more pleasing before the Lord. :good:

PS:  Just became a great grandad for the second time.  I'm too pretty to be a great grandad!  Oh well.  Another is expected in Jan.


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'And for any who should spread such evil rumors, may the bluebird of paradise fly up their noses!'

:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:
