2022 Tribulation?
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2022 Tribulation?

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Tom Gaston who researches the Bible code has sent out several codes showing the rapture this weekend.  However he says if it does not take place then to consider the time between this weekend and Pentecost as high watch.  The Jews count the omer during this time, which has to do with the barley harvest.  Pentecost begins the wheat harvest.

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Correct me if I'm wrong....

Nowhere in the bible does it say we cant or wont figure out the start of the trib

(side addition: or who the false prophet is)

It only says we wont know the day or hour of the Rapture (or who the AC is)

So maybe we've figured out the day starting the trib? I do believe that it starts this year


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But of that day and hour no one knows is Matt 24:36 and was written to the Jews, not the Church, so He is referring to His Second Coming, not the rapture.

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Geri, just going through this post and reading all the comments and saw yours - since you are intrigued about the 144,000 I thought I would give you this thought to chew on or anybody else.

In examining the types and shadows of the Old Testament I have often considered the example of Elijah and Elisha.  We all know the story that when Elijah was about to be raptured, Elisha went to follow him and requested a double portion of his blessing and Elijah told Elisha that this was a difficult thing but if he saw him when he was taken then it would be granted to him.

Ok, so here is what I have considered - I am also going to borrow from another scripture before I lay it out.  John 12:28-29 “Father, glorify Your name.” Then a voice came from heaven, saying, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.” Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, “An angel has spoken to Him.”

So in this scripture when God’s voice comes from heaven  we see 3 types of people- those who couldn’t distinguish it from thunder, some who understood it as an intelligible voice but didn't’ realize it was God, and then those who actually knew it was God’s voice.

So here is what I have considered - what if the rapture launches the ministry of the 144,000?  What if raptured Elijah is the picture of the church?  The majority of the world will likely think aliens snatched us or something (those without spiritual understanding, like those who only heard thunder). Some other might understand what happened to us (like those who perceived a voice but thought it was an angel) and then there are the 144,000 - what if they actually SEE us go like Elisha saw Elijah go?  What if the picture is that of the mantle of the church’s ministry falling on the 144,000 like Elijah’s mantle fell upon Elisha.

Elisha did receive the double portion and this would also align with the latter day pouring out of the Holy Spirit prophesied in Joel that so many people are looking for.  I think this happens for the 144,000 and they work in a double portion of the spiritual gifts.  I wonder if this is how God seals them for ministry by letting them witness our departure.

I have often speculated that they are Hebrew fence sitters that have heard the gospel and maybe have even been taught about the rapture and considered it but just have not committed to the truth of the Gospel presented to them and I wonder if witnessing the rapture of the church will be the final witness to them to tell them to get off the fence and get in the game - what do you think?

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Interesting proposition, Derrick.  However, please explain this: the Revelation 4:1 Rapture is scheduled well prior to the 144,000 being sealed -- which event is clearly placed even after the sixth seal -- Revelation 7:1.  :unsure:

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Very true, very true MWS and duly noted.  There is obviously some sort of a gap in time in between the rapture and the sealing of the 144,000.  The thing I was talking about above  is just something that I heard long ago and it stuck with me because Elijah and Elisha are a great type and foreshadow, and it’s could be nothing, I certainly would not be dogmatic about it - but on the other hand, I think of the conversion of Paul also.  There was an obvious gap in time between the Damascus road conversion and when Paul actually was approved to go into ministry.  I think he spent a couple of years before the other apostles accepted him and he actually started ministry if I remember right.  So maybe IF the 144,000 see our departure that will be their Damascus road experience, but that does not means they will be ready immediately to witness for Jesus, perhaps their sealing is the confirmation that they are ready for ministry.  Again, could not be dogmatic, just speculating.

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I’m thinking of this verse in Malachi 4:5  “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:”


I heard some watchers say … “The great day of the LORD” is the rapture event and the “dreadful day of the LORD” is the start of the tribulation …  and this verse says Elijah will be here before … so perhaps we will see him arrive before our departure?  And if so … perhaps he be teaching the 144,000? :unsure:

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