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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3.9

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I personally trust the Essence calendar!

We shall see if the Lord gives us and kind of advance warning, or if He wants to surprise us?!


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I just finished watching Prophecy Watchers with Gary Spearman, although Mondo was teaching on the Mark of the Beast and a note of encouragement for those who have loved ones that have not accepted the salvation through Jesus Christ. Although it will be nearly impossible to survive, many will.

In Revelation 14:6-7 “Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people. And he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

There will be those who have not yet taken the mark of the beast or worshiped the dragon and they will still have a chance via this verse according to the teaching.

I pray they hear and receive now :prayer-hands: Be encouraged and leave notes that state “Don’t take the Mark, no matter what!

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Follow your nose. It always knows. 😉

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Another Pearl Harbor?   :unsure:   Will history repeat itself?

Approaching a generation of 80 years  😉     Dec 7, 1941


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Starts @ 1:19

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Wars and rumors of wars simply highlight mans self destructive tendencies!


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Starts @ 1:34

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Interesting comments from Amir’s telegram


Earthquake coming to Israel 

Remember, Ezekiel 38 describes a major earthquake that will happen as God humiliates the enemies of Israel on the mountains of Israel. In a very mysterious way, multiple buildings in Israel are now reported to be on the verge of collapse and been evacuated from their dwellers. One of those eventually collapsed in a suburb of Tel Aviv a few days ago, thankfully after it was already empty. More are being reported now even in northern Israel’s city if Kiryat Shmona.


Two more buildings near Tel Aviv reported serious cracks on walls.
What is going on here? It’s the fifth time within a span of few days that a building across the country is in danger of collapse. Is this a seismic event that precede a major earthquake ?


Saudi Arabia

Will Saudi Arabia purchase the iron dome missile defense system from israel? As reported, the U.S. has just removed its most advanced missile defense system and Patriot batteries from Saudi Arabia. In the mean time the Saudis borrowed a patriot battery from Greece, but what’s next?


France has canceled a gala event scheduled to take place tomorrow at the embassy in Washington and on a French frigate stationed in Baltimore to celebrate the alliance between the two countries to mark the 240th anniversary of the Battle of Chesapeake where the French navy assisted the Americans against the British in the War of Independence.

The French are furious at the military alliance the United States and Britain formed yesterday with Australia, in which they also agreed to help Australia own nuclear submarines instead of the agreement the Australians had with France on the purchase of conventional submarines.

In addition, Paris is angry that the American withdrawal from Afghanistan was carried out without coordination with them, and French officials accused that the decisions of the Biden administration are as hastier that in the days of Donald Trump.



President Vladimir Putin says “Russia needs to work with the Taliban"


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Starts @ 1:04

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Humour is important, these days. Lol.

Andrew Bostom, MD, MS (@andrewbostom) Tweeted:

"billboards have popped up across Pennsylvania portraying Joe Biden as a Taliban jihadist and displaying the slogan 'Making the Taliban great again'”

https://t.co/85OBtyHsDJ https://t.co/NaiipWKk6m https://twitter.com/andrewbostom/status/1439048285000544261?s=20

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