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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3.4

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Did you hear about this … :popcorn

Vines growing on retaining wall of Temple Mount spell out God’s name (YEHOVAH)

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz      July 13, 2021

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Why Are Hundreds Of Giant Sinkholes Suddenly Opening Up All Over The Planet?

July 13, 2021 by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

Is something very unusual happening to our world?  Hundreds of giant sinkholes have been suddenly appearing all over the globe, and this is deeply alarming a lot of people.  For months, I have been coming across news stories about giant sinkholes during my daily research sessions, and at first I ignored them.  But lately there have been so many stories about giant sinkholes that I decided to start looking into this phenomenon.  Of course there have always been sinkholes, and so it isn’t a shock when one suddenly appears somewhere.  In many cases, they are caused by heavy rain, broken water pipes or earthquakes.  But what is different about 2021 is the fact that hundreds and hundreds of absolutely enormous sinkholes have been suddenly appearing all over the globe.  Is this just a “bad year”, or is this an indication that something truly strange is happening to the crust of our planet?

Let me start by talking about a giant sinkhole that just keeps growing in Mexico.  It is now 124 meters wide, and it has already swallowed a house and two dogs…

Back in May, a farm in Mexico started developing a sinkhole that has since caused the evacuation of a family living in a nearby house, the collapse of that same house and a rescue operation for two dogs that, like the house, were swallowed up in the sinkhole.

As of this past weekend, the sinkhole — on farmland in Santa Maria Zacatepec, located in Central Mexico in the state of Puebla — had grown to 124 meters wide, according to Ary News.
By itself, that sinkhole in Mexico would not be that big of a deal.

But this sort of a thing is happening all over the globe.  For example, a 17-year-old kid recently discovered a sinkhole that is 200 feet deep in his grandfather’s field that literally developed in just one night…

The night before, he’d been walking in the area, and he said there was no indication of the geologic disturbance. But the next morning, he says he nearly fell into the hole. Had he done so, tragedy would have resulted as the sinkhole is 9 feet across and roughly 200 feet deep.

It’s not an isolated occurrence in the Konya province. Several sinkholes have appeared there in recent years. Most notably, a monstrous 57,414 square-foot (10 miles!) chasm that revealed ancient human cave dwellings.

Down in Florida, hundreds and hundreds of sinkholes have been developing in recent months.

In fact, so many sinkholes have been developing in Florida that the state government maintains a regularly updated map that shows where all of them are.  You can view an example of this map 

That map definitely does not look “normal” to me.

But in today’s world, is anything “normal” anymore?

Across the Atlantic, scientists have been quite puzzled by what has been going on in Croatia.  Toward the end of 2020, a very large sinkhole suddenly swallowed a gardenin a little town known as Meenani…

Just before the new year in 2021, the earth in a quiet area of Croatia began to act oddly. A near-perfectly round hole sprang out of nowhere in a garden in Meenani, a hamlet 40 kilometers (24 miles) from Croatia’s capital city of Zagreb, measuring 30 meters (98 feet) broad and 15 meters (49 feet) deep.
Since that time, dozens of other very large sinkholes have started to appear in the region.

In fact, at this point there are “as many as 100 sinkholes in and around the two communities”…

More and more of these huge holes appeared in Meenani and its adjacent village Borojevii during the next few weeks. According to the Croatian Geological Institute, at least 54 totally collapsed sinkholes of various sizes had been documented by the end of January.

According to an AFP report from March, there may have been as many as 100 sinkholes in and around the two communities. Some of the holes appeared in remote areas, while many others appeared within yards from people’s homes. A few were discovered snuggled beneath homes, causing bricks to collapse and structure fractures to emerge.

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Looks like … “Universal Basic Income” for us peon peasants is coming.  Its starting in Cali-for-nia  … but the handouts are peanuts … how can anyone live on $500 to $1,000 per month?


California approved a $35 million plan that will be the nation's first state-funded guaranteed income program.


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The California Legislature has approved the nation's first state-funded guaranteed income program.
The $35 million plan, approved Thursday, will fund local programs that will provide monthly cash payments to young adults who recently left foster care and pregnant people.

The local programs will set the monthly amount and there will be no restrictions on how recipients spend it.

Los Angeles is among a growing number of local governments have started guaranteed income programs.

Monthly payments generally range from $500 to $1,000. Advocates say their goal is to get Congress to approve a permanent, national guaranteed income program.


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Since the S African president is a puppet of the World Economic Forum and the country is in dire shape, He'll probably be the first to implement UBI.

I think Europe will be next. I think Spain is already testing  or doing a pilot program to a select group, giving them income for doing nothing. :negative:


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Europe is rocking and reeling from widespread flooding, especially in Germany. Worst floods in 100 years. Hmmm...


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Oh wow … those pictures look horrifying like some bomb went off.   And Angela Merkel is stepping down in September.    US Today says …. 2 days ago “Angela Merkel has served as Chancellor of Germany for nearly 16 years. Merkel is not seeking another term in Germany's Sept. 26 elections. German Chancellor Angela Merkel to step down in 2021”

I wonder who will fill the void in that region?  Then the youtube Blue posted about the “sand king walking” with Paul Begley and MATW … Mike believes we could start to see the Biblical wars in Syria  and against Israel within the next 2 months AND the world leader could rise by that time as well.  If he spot on with that prediction  … our time here is VERY short. :whistle: :yahoo:


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Starts 1:51 marker


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A swarm of more than 141 earthquakes is rattling Yellowstone National Park, geologists said.

The U.S. Geological Survey said Friday that an ongoing earthquake swarm that began at 5:52 p.m. Thursday is centered beneath Yellowstone Lake. There have been 40 earthquakes bigger than a magnitude 2, and two have been above a 3.0 magnitude, USGS said.

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Starts at 2:56 marker

China claims they are “liberating” Taiwan with their invasion to take over the island and threatens Japan with nukes if they should dare try to interfere …

So … will the US get involved to stop them?  Is this the reason why China doesn’t show up until mid point of the trib.? :unsure:


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WOE … check out the BIG CLUE in the passage of Jeremiah 30:6,7  indicating the time of Jacob’s trouble is near. :popcorn


The next major emoji update could include a transgender pregnant man, according to a preview of the draft candidates for the next release.


What used to be called ‘science’ back in my high school biology class is now considered ‘hate speech’ in the dark ages in which we find ourselves, the radical idea that only a biological woman is capable of conceiving a baby in her womb and becoming pregnant. Did you ever think you would live long enough to see the day where that would be considered ‘hate speech’? Well, now you have and here you are, watching the world literally being turned into Hell while you watch.

Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.”Jeremiah 30:6,7 KJB

Like we have always told you, and it bears repeating here, it was never about ‘tolerance’, ‘acceptance’ or ‘equality’, it has always been about dominance and control. The transgenders are not looking for ‘freedom to live the way we want’, they are looking to force you to accept a scientifically impossible premise, and then legally punish you when you don’t. Right now in Canada, it is a crime to ‘misgender’ someone, punishable by up to 90 days in jail.

I find it quite interesting that in the Bible, when talking about the end times and the last days, the metaphor of a man giving birth is used in direct connection with the wickedness of human beings and the coming judgment of God. 

From BREITBART News: The final list for the Emoji 14.0 update will get final approval in September 2021. The draft includes a pregnant man and pregnant “person,” which Emojipedia describes as “consistent gender options for pregnancy,” despite the fact that men, biologically, cannot become pregnant.


OH … and check out the all seeing eye on the palm of the hand … could this be “the Mark”?? :unsure:

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