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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3.4

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He said the G/M invasion is at the midpoint of the tribulaton? 8 min mark.

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I was thinking the G/M war would be any minute now.  Listen to Paul Begley's MFATW video from last Thurs. night.  About 1:13 to 1:30 sounds like something is about to happen.

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I always thought it would be at the very start of the Tribulation. That way, it would give them 7 years to use the weapons for fuel. I thought they will need to do that once the Millennial Kingdom starts.

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Bad typing day. I really wish you could edit your posts past the 5 minute mark. :wacko:

I thought that they would not need to burn weapons once the Millennial Kingdom starts.

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Yes, that Nelson youtube guy is off the mark with the timing of the G/M war.  I think he is trying to place it with the Kings of the East @ mid point.  I would ignore his view on that.  I should have put a warning about that.  Sorry to cause confusion.  But then it might be a good thing because I enjoyed the latest update clip from MFATW …

Even Paul Begley used to place the G/M event at mid point as well … but in the youtube you posted with MFATW … Mike is correct in saying the G/M war could happen any time now … and many prophecy watchers debate whether the church will still be here to see it since it will be God rescuing the Jews and His wrath will be poured on Israel’s enemies … so many feel the church can’t be here and rapture happens prior.  Exciting times :popcorn

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On no … not again! :calvin      Well … the hilari-tea good news of this latest dire calami-tea is … we won’t think you coffee drinkers are showing disloyal-tea by switching over to the Kings royal-tea beverage. :whistle:    No sirree … we will gladly share the plen-tea-ful leaves … so you can continue to have a hot or cold brewed beverage. :good:  :mdrmdr:  (Maniacal laugh)  Tea-hee hee    Tea-hee hee

Coffee Prices Soar After Bad Harvests and Insatiable Demand
Global consumption set to exceed production this year as Brazil is hit with worst drought-driven drop in output in almost 20 years

Wall Street Journal

Global coffee prices are climbing and threatening to drive up costs at the breakfast table as the world’s biggest coffee producer, Brazil, faces one of its worst droughts in almost a century.

Prices for arabica coffee beans—the main variety produced in Brazil—hit their highest level since 2016 last month. New York-traded arabica futures have risen over 18% in the past three months to $1.51 a pound. London-traded robusta—a stronger-tasting variety favored in instant coffee—has risen over 30% in the past three months, to $1,749 a metric ton, a two-year high.

Brazil’s farmers are girding for one of their biggest slumps in output in almost 20 years after months of drought left plants to wither. Brazil’s arabica crop cycles between one stronger year followed by a weaker year. Following a record harvest in 2020, 2021 was set to be a weaker year, but the drop is more severe than expected.

“I’ve been growing coffee more than 50 years, and I’ve never seen as bad a drought as the one last year and this year,” said Christina Valle, a third-generation coffee grower in Minas Gerais, Brazil’s biggest coffee-growing state. “I normally take three months to harvest my coffee; this year it took me a month,” she said.

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Maybe the rise in coffee prices will get some people to sit up and take notice. The Millennial Starbucks drinking crowd, in particular.

I am a Yerba Mate drinker, myself. Hope the drought doesn't affect that. I am well stocked up, anyway. B-)

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So even the cat needs his morning cup o Joe — not to be deterred from our heavenly smell of the smooth brew glistening in the morning crisp air….. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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Yikes Arthur — too much dude:

Yerba Mate is very expressive and can produce a euphoric experience. Depending on how much you consume, “It can make you feel very trippy. The caffeine in it can really give you this high.” There are some time-honored rituals around the consumption of Yerba Mate that celebrates this euphoric sensation — usually in a park, or some kind of outside gathering spot.

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Kind of reminds me of what I heard about Woodstock :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

To each is own — I’ll stick with my coffee and occasional green or herbal teas :yes:

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I have never experienced anything like that with Yerba Mate. For me, I feel calm. Mind you, I use tea bags of it. A typical tea bag would have roughly 60% or less the caffeine content of a cup of coffee.


If you drink too much coffee it can make you feel jittery and uncomfortable. Many people have noticed that yerba mate lacks these side effects entirely.

It has a stimulating and calming effect at the same time. This is caused by the fact that, in addition to caffeine, mate tea also has two other components that stimulate our central nervous system.

Yerba mate leaves contain theobromine, a stimulant that makes you feel good and is also found in chocolate. In addition, it contains theophylline, a stimulant that is said to give you mental energy and is present in green and black tea.



Not to mention that Yerba Mate is high in antioxidants and is good for your skin. I think I will make some now. 😉


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