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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3.4

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Yohanan, I've got a cramp in my finger!


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There's a lot of serious flooding going on in China. Could it be H.A.R.P and a prelude ?

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Yeah they said the Two Dam collapsed in China amid heavy rainfall … I’m not sure if that is connected to the Three Gorges Dam?

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Starts at 2:17


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I would be seriously shocked to see South Korea align themselves versus China. Younger brother never shows up older brother in Confucianism.

Anyway, wars and rumours of wars. Just as Jesus said.

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Yep, wars and rumors of wars indeed.  Glad we are getting out of here soon!


Starts at 3:47

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Lol. I totally messed that up.

In that little corner of the world, China, with it's dominant culture was always seen as the father. South Korea was the older brother and Japan was the younger brother.

In Confucianism, the sons should never rebel against their father who has given them so much. They also believe that men are the sky and women are the earth, though, among other things. (Justifying maltreatment of women, sadly. :()

Will be interesting to see how enraged father will be if his sons stand up to him. :mail:

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:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

Putin steps away from deal with Netanyahu for a blind eye on Syria air strikes Jul 21, 2021 @ 18:23 Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel air strike in Syria, Naftali Bennett, Russian turnaround on Israel, Vladimir Putin

Moscow was seen taking a radical new course on Israel’s air strikes over Syria after the raid near Aleppo early Tuesday, July 20. First, its military for the first time revealed details of the Israeli raid and claimed as never before that Russian-made systems downed “seven of eight guided missiles.”

Second, the disclosure came from an unexpected source: Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the opposed party in Syria – a body concerned with Syrian peacemaking, never efore with Israel’s operations in Syria.

Third, Mr. Kulik’s description of the event was graphic: “In a span from 23:39 to 23:51 on July 19, four F-16 fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force entered Syria’s airspace via the US-controlled al-Tanf zone and fired eight guided missiles at facilities southeast of the city of Aleppo.” Seven missiles were downed by the Russian-made Pantsyr-S (see photo) and Buk-M2 systems that were on combat duty, the official said. One missile damaged the building of a research center in the settlement of Safira in the Aleppo governorate, he added.

The mention of Al Tanf is also significant, DEBKAfile notes, since this junction of the Syria-Iraq-Jordan border is the site of an American base. That reference indicates that the latest Israeli raid over Syria came from the direction of Jordan in the south rather than Lebanon as has been customary hitherto.

DEBKAfile analysts draw three conclusions from this atypical Russian response after hundreds Israeli air operations went forward unopposed against Iran’s permanent military presence in Syria and that of its proxies.

Moscow is letting Israel know that its radar can track air force operations emanating from Jordan. The reference to Al Tanf is also a nudge to the Biden administration.

Advanced new Russian air defense systems are now operating in Syria. The combination of Pantsyr-S and Buk-52 is less powerful than the Russian S-300 or S-400 but nevertheless poses a threat to Israel warplanes.

Moscow seems to be telling the new Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett that the deal, whereby Moscow’s blind eye gave Israel free rein for years to clip Iran’s wings in Syria, was in fact struck personally between President Vladimir Putin and ex-PM Binyamin Netanyahu. All options are now open. The Bennett government is therefore advised to think carefully before embarking on its next air strike in Syria.

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Looks like the Biden Administration’s sinister plot is setting Israel up to be all alone to fight their battles … BUT God will be showing the world He loves Israel and nobody is going to destroy her. :whistle:

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Lindsey Graham warns ALL ISRAEL NEWS that IDF may have to launch preemptive strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities soon

Biden’s refusal to get tough with Tehran is forcing Israel into a “nightmare” scenario, Graham said, adding, “I’ve never been more worried about Israel having to use military force than I am right now.

All Israel.com

WASHINGTON – Senator Lindsey Graham, one of the most respected foreign and defense policy experts in Washington, fears a new war may be coming to the Middle East sooner than most people realize. 

In a phone interview with me yesterday, the South Carolina Republican explained that the “Iranians are progressing at a very dangerous pace” with their uranium enrichment and nuclear weapons development program.

The problem, he said, is that the Biden administration and international community are not doing nearly enough to stop them.

As a result, Graham said, Israel is in a very difficult position and may need to take preemptive military action on its own.

“There are certain red lines that Israel will not allow Iran to cross,” Graham told me. “And I’ve never been more worried about those red lines being crossed than I am right now.”

Before leaving office, then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear to Washington that “we will make our own decisions about an existential threat coming from a nuclear armed Iran,” Graham noted.

The senator said he likes new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and believes his position on the Iran threat is the same as Netanyahu’s.

But, he said, the test for Bennett is coming. If the Biden administration keeps pursuing an updated version of the flawed Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and the mullahs keep getting closer and closer to weapons grade uranium, Bennett and his colleagues may have no choice but to use military force.

“That’s a nightmare for Israel,” Graham said.

“I’ve never been more worried about Israel having to use military force to stop the program than I am right now.”

Graham added that if former U.S. President Donald Trump was still in office, and Tehran so brazenly pursued nuclear weapons in defiance of the international community, Trump would not have left the mess in Israel’s lap.

“I think President Trump unequivocally would have used military action to stop a nuclear armed Iran,” Graham said. “And I think the Iranians knew that.”

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So much extreme flooding in Europe, Asia, and Africa. As in the days of Noah.

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Starts at 3:32


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