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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3.4

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I believe Bill and Melinda died in India in 2013. They have already gone on to their great reward.

The new ones are obviously just stand in puppets. The puppeteers are definitely in for a horrific afterlife, though.

This clouding the atmosphere will obviously be disastrous. The year without summer of 1816 will become the  norm. Not that the luciferians care. They want a drastic lowering of the population and this is part of their plan.


The Year Without a Summer Was a Bizarre Weather Disaster in 1816
A Volcanic Eruption Led to Crop Failures on Two Continents
The Year Without a Summer, a peculiar 19th-century disaster, played out during 1816 when the weather in Europe and North America took a bizarre turn that resulted in widespread crop failures and even famine.

The weather in 1816 was unprecedented. Spring arrived as usual. But then the seasons seemed to turn backward, as cold temperatures returned. In some places, the sky appeared permanently overcast. The lack of sunlight became so severe that farmers lost their crops and food shortages were reported in Ireland, France, England, and the United States.

In Virginia, Thomas Jefferson retired from the presidency and farming at Monticello, sustained crop failures that sent him further into debt. In Europe, the gloomy weather helped inspire the writing of a classic horror tale, Frankenstein.

It would be more than a century before anyone understood the reason for the peculiar weather disaster: the eruption of an enormous volcano on a remote island in the Indian Ocean a year earlier had thrown enormous amounts of volcanic ash into the upper atmosphere.

The dust from Mount Tambora, which had erupted in early April 1815, had shrouded the globe. And with sunlight blocked, 1816 did not have a normal summer.


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This is wild ~ (forgive the momentary less than reverent interchange re: Jesus and the disciples)

Clay Clark testimony:


Revelation 13:16-18, Microsoft's 666 Patent, Epstein's Temple &
Luciferase COVID-19 Shots

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Oh boy … knockleheads “Ben & Jerry” just threw a knife scoop in Israel’s back. :negative:    Good riddance with their over price, not that great brand ice cream anyway.    Turkey Hill Dairy ice cream from Lancaster, PA is far superior in taste.  So happy the local grocery up here are finally offering Turkey Hill brand as another choice. :whistle:   This should get interesting watching the meltdown of  Ben & Jerry’s products worldwide.  :popcorn


Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream brand starts war with Israel by announcing a boycott of the “occupied Palestinians Territory” igniting huge backlash


Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is being pulled from the shelves of several supermarket chains in New York since the company announced its plans to boycott Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, according to a report.
The Jewish founders of Ben and Jerry’s Vermont Ice Cream have decided to start a war with the nation of Israel, and siding with Hamas and the Palestinians while they do it. Is it possible for Jews to be anti-Semitic? It sure is. George Soros was a Jew who pretended to be a gentile as he sided with the Nazis in helping Jews get taken away to the concentration camps in WWII. I think that’s pretty anti-Semitic, don’t you? Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield may be Jews genetically, but their hearts are decidedly against Zion. I’m more of a Jew than they are, just go read Galatians 3:29.

“Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion.” Psalm 129:5

The backlash was immediate not only in Israel but across America as well as a boycott of all Ben and Jerry’s ice cream products was set in motion. As for me, I have been boycotting Ben and Jerry’s since about 2018 when they decided to financially support radical anti-Israel terrorists like Linda Sarsourwho has links to Louis Farrakhan. The self-loathing, anti-Semitic Jew, as we see on full display in both Ben and Jerry, has always been somewhat of a mystery to me, but such is life here on the front lines of the end times.

New York Supermarkets Pull Ben & Jerry’s Over Israel Boycott
From BREITBART News: Since Ben & Jerry’s announced their plans Monday to boycott “Occupied Palestinian Territory” when its local franchise’s license runs out in December 2022, several supermarket chains that have also announced their plans to start pulling the ice cream company’s products off its shelves in New York, according to World Israel News.

Seasons, an upscale kosher supermarket chain located in New York and New Jersey, sent a message to customers Monday. They said, “Seasons has removed all Ben and Jerry’s products from all its stores as a result of the ice cream maker’s decision to cease sales in parts of Israel. We stand with Israel. Always.”

Reactions from Israel’s leaders were harsh.  Despite the distinctions, Ben & Jerry’s made in its statement between Israel and the “occupied Palestinian territory,”  PM Naftali Bennett, a longtime supporter of the settlements, called the decision a “boycott of Israel” and said Ben and Jerry’s “deduced to brand itself as an anti-Israel ice cream.”  His predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu, tweeted, “Now we Israeli’s know which ice cream not to buy.”

Morton Williams Supermarkets board of directors met Monday evening, according to the New York Post to discuss and agree to “reduce the Ben & Jerry’s products it sells in its 16 stores by 70 percent.” The board also agreed to stop promoting the ice cream company in the weekly circulars and put the products in the “least desirable locations,” co-owner Avi Kaner told The Post. “You’ll be able to find the product, but you’ll have to look for it,” Kaner said. :mdrmdr:

Kaner hopes the company’s partial boycott with creating a domino effect to send a “strong message.” He added, “Of all the places in the world to boycott, Ben & Jerry’s has chosen to target the one Jewish nation in the world.”

World Israel News continued:

Others outraged at the anti-Israel message are also thinking in broader terms. In a move that would automatically remove B&J from the shelves of all stores that serve a high percentage of orthodox clientele, social activists have begun calling KOF-K Kosher to ask that the organization pull its Kashruth Certification from the ice cream.  They are also requesting that other certifications refuse to service Ben and Jerry’s as substitutes.

“Aron’s Kissena Farms in Queens, and Glatt Express Supermarket in Teaneck, N.J., aren’t waiting and announced that they have already removed the ice cream from their shelves in support of the Jewish State,” the report noted. More stores in the New York regions are reportedly also taking the ice cream off the shelves.

Ben and Jerry’s decision is a shameful surrender to anti-Semitism, to BDS, to all the evil in the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish discourse,” Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said. “We will not keep quiet. More than 30 states in the United States have laws against surrendering to BDS that have passed in recent years,” he added. “I plan to go one by one and demand that they enforce these laws against Ben & Jerry’s because they will not treat us in this way without encountering a response.

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Todd Tomlinson
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Interesting about Ben & Jerry as Ben is actually Jewish.

"Cohen was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in the town of Merrick, New York, on Long Island by Jewish parents Frances and Irving."

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Then there is this about the “Cohen” name …

The DNA Chain of Tradition
The Discovery of the "Cohen Gene"
by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman

Jewish tradition, based on the Torah, is that all Kohanim are direct descendants of Aharon, the original Kohen. The line of the Kohanim is patrilineal: it has been passed from father to son without interruption from Aharon, for 3,300 years, or more than 100 generations.

Dr. Karl Skorecki was attending services one morning. The Torah was removed from the ark and a Kohen was called for the first aliya. The Kohencalled up that particular morning was a visitor: a Jew of Sefardic background. His parents were from Morocco. Skorecki also a has a tradition of being a Kohen, though of Ashkenazi background. His parents were born Eastern Europe. Karl (Kalman) Skorecki looked at the Sefardi Kohen's physical features and considered his own physical features. they were significantly different in stature, skin coloration and hair and eye color. Yet both had a tradition of being Kohanim--direct descendants of one man--Aharon HaKohen.

Dr. Skorecki considered, "According to tradition, this Sefardi and I have a common ancestor. Could this line have been maintained since Sinai, and throughout the long exile of the Jewish people?" As a scientist, he wondered, could such a claim be tested?

Being a nephrologist and a top-level researcher at the University of Toronto and the Rambam-Technion Medical Center in Haifa, he was involved in the breakthroughs in molecular genetics which are revolutionizing medicine and the study of the life-sciences. He was also aware of the newly developing application of DNA analysis to the study of history and population diversity.

He considered a hypothesis: if the Kohanim are descendants of one man, they should have a common set of genetic markers--a common haplotype-- that of their common ancestor. In our case, Aharon HaKohen.

A genetic marker is a variation in the nucleotide sequence of the DNA, known as a mutation. Mutations which occur within genes—a part of the DNA which codes for a protein—usually cause a malfunction or disease, and is lost due to selection in succeeding generations. However, mutations found in so-called “non-coding regions” of the DNA tend to persist.

Since the Y chromosome, besides for the genes determining maleness, consists almost entirely of non-coding DNA, it would tend to accumulate mutations. Since it is passed from father to son without recombination, the genetic information on a Y chromosome of a man living today is basically the same as that of his ancient male ancestors, except for the rare mutations that occur along the hereditary line. A combination of these neutral mutations, known as a haplotype, can serve as a genetic signature of a man’s male ancestry. Maternal geneaologies are also being studied by means of the m-DNA (mitrocondrial DNA), which is inherited only from the mother.

Dr. Skorecki then made contact with Professor Michael Hammer, of the University of Arizona, a leading researcher in molecular genetics and a pioneer in Y chromosome research. Professor Hammer uses DNA analysis to study the history of populations, their origins and migrations. His previous research included work on the origins of the Native American Indians and the development of the Japanese people.

A study was undertaken to test the hypothesis. If there were a common ancestor, the Kohanim should have common genetic markers at a higher frequency than the general Jewish population.

In the first study, as reported in the prestigious British science journal, Nature (January 2, 1997), 188 Jewish males were asked to contribute some cheek cells from which their DNA was extracted for study. Participants from Israel, England and North America were asked to identify whether they were a Kohen, Levi or Israelite, and to identify their family background.

The results of the analysis of the Y chromosome markers of the Kohanimand non-Kohanim were indeed significant. A particular marker, (YAP-) was detected in 98.5 percent of the Kohanim, and in a significantly lower percentage on non-Kohanim.

In a second study, Dr. Skorecki and associates gathered more DNA samples and expanded their selection of Y chromosome markers. Solidifying their hypothesis of the Kohens' common ancestor, they found that a particular array of six chromosomal markers were found in 97 of the 106 Kohens tested. This collection of markers has come to be known as the Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH)--the standard genetic signature of the Jewish priestly family. The chances of these findings happening at random is greater than one in 10,000.

The finding of a common set of genetic markers in both Ashkenazi and Sefardi Kohanim worldwide clearly indicates an origin pre-dating the separate development of the two communities around 1000 C.E. Date calculation based on the variation of the mutations among Kohanim today yields a time frame of 106 generations from the ancestral founder of the line, some 3,300 years, the approximate time of the Exodus from Egypt, the lifetime of Aharon HaKohen.

Professor Hammer was recently in Israel for the Jewish Genome Conference. He confirmed that his findings are consistent that over 80 percent of self-identified Kohanim have a common set of markers. The finding that less than one-third of the non-Kohen Jews who were tested possess these markers is not surprising to the geneticists. Jewishness is not defined genetically. Other Y-chromosomes can enter the Jewish gene pool through conversion or through a non-Jewish father. Jewish status is determined by the mother. Tribe membership follows the father’s line.

Calculations based on the high rate of genetic similarity of today’s Kohanimresulted in the highest “paternity-certainty” rate ever recorded in population genetics studies—a scientific testimony to family faithfulness.

Wider genetic studies of diverse present day Jewish communities show a remarkable genetic cohesiveness. Jews from Iran, Iraq, Yemen, North Africa and European Ashkenazim all cluster together with other Semitic groups, with their origin in the Middle East. A common geographical origin can be seen for all mainstream Jewish groups studied.

This genetic research has clearly refuted the once-current libel that the Ashkenazi Jews are not related to the ancient Hebrews, but are descendants of the Kuzar tribe--a pre-10th century Turko-Asian empire which reportedly converted en masse to Judaism. Researchers compared the DNA signature of the Ashkenazi Jews against those of Turkish-derived people, and found no correspondence.

In their second published paper in Nature (July 9,1998) the researchers included an unexpected finding. Those Jews in the study who identified themselves as Levites did not show a common set of markers as did the Kohanim. The Levites clustered in three groupings, one of them the CMH. According to tradition, the Levites should also show a genetic signature from a common patrilineal ancestor.

It is interesting to note that the tribe of Levi has a history of a lack of quantity. The census of BaMidbar shows Levi to be the smallest of the tribes. After the Babylonian exile, the Levites failed to return en masse to Jerusalem, though urged by Ezra HaSofer to do so. They were therefore fined by losing their exclusive rights to maaser. Though statistically, the Levites should be more numerous than Kohanim, today in synagogue, it is not unusual to have a minyan with a surplus of Kohanim and yet lack even one Levite. The researchers are now focusing effort on the study of Levites' genetic make up to learn more about their history in the Diaspora.

Using the CMH as a DNA signature of the ancient Hebrews, researchers are pursuing a hunt for Jewish genes around the world. The search for lost tribes, whether the biblical 10 Lost Tribes which were uprooted from Eretz Yisrael by the Assyrians, or other would-be Jews, Hebrews or "chosen peoples," is not new. Using the genetic markers of the Kohanim as a yardstick, these genetic archaeologists are using DNA research discover historical links to the Jewish people.

Many individual Kohanim and others have approached the researchers to be tested. The researchers' policy is that the research is not a test of individuals, but an examination of the extended family. Having the CMH is not a proof of one's being a Kohen, for the mother's side is also significant in determining one's Kohanic status. At present, there are no halachic ramifications of this discovery. No one is certified nor disqualified because of their Y chromosome markers.

The research, which began with an idea in shul, has shown a clear genetic relationship amongst Kohanim and their direct lineage from a common ancestor. The research findings support the Torah statements that the line of Aharon will last throughout history. That our Torah tradition is supported by these findings should be a reinforcement for Kohanim and for all those who know that the Torah is truth, and that God surely keepsHis promises.

May we soon see Kohanim at their service, Levites on their Temple platform and Israelites at their places. 

A Blessing Forever

Just as the Kohanim’s lineage spans more than 3,000 years, so does the Blessing which they deliver span Jewish history. Since it’s inception at the inauguration of the Mishkan on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, 2449 CC (equals 1311 BCE), the Blessing of the Kohanim has been recited daily by descendants of Aharon HaKohen somewhere in the world, everyday.

It is a remnant of the Temple service which was never lost. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, the mishmarot—family service groups of Kohanim—kept their tradition of knowing the week of their particular watch at the Temple. From the time of the Babylonian and Persian exile, Jewish communities have included the Birkat Kohanim in their communal service.

Sefardic custom, as written in the Shulchan Aruch, is for the Kohanim to bless the congregation everyday. Following the Rema, the Ashkenazi custom became to perform the Blessing only on holidays. Presently in Eretz Yisrael, following the talmidim of the Vilna Gaon, the custom has been restored to recite the blessing everyday and twice on Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh and Yom Tov.

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I know! Some of the people that treat the Jewish nation the worst are some of Jewish descent, including George Soros :wacko:

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How about Hitler?!


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Didn’t buy it anyway - but certainly won’t now — they are going down — he who curses Israel will be cursed ….. B-)

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Same on him then!!!

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:popcorn   :popcorn  :popcorn


America and Her Allies Are Preparing to Attack China Without Biden's Approval

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Monday, July 19, 2021 - 13:15.

Pastor Samuel Honnold and myself have been collaborating for over a week on American-led alliance that is prepared to strike at China for their ultra-agressive moves.

The most striking feature of this alliance is that it has been put together exclusive of Joint Chiefs Commander, Millie, as well as the Biden Administration, who is sitting on the outside looking in. On January 22, 2021, I published the following report in which I reported that Biden was refused admittance to the Pentagon. The Pentagon's JCS is split. Millie, a marxist, stands with Biden. However, much of the military command refuses to cooperate with Biden.

Here is an excerpt from a report that I filed on May 15, 2021 on the CSS:

Within 10 days, BOTH  the French military and 124 Retired American Generals and Admirals are commanding the American people to take action against their government. The Americans identified, in a public letter, fascism and Marxism that has invaded our country. Biden’s cognitive condition was singled out. This is a call to action. The American military knows it is too soon to initiate a counter-coup. However, they are painting the target. The French military was blatantly honest as they said unsavory immigration is leading to civil war in France which would result in the overthrow of globalist leader, French President Macron. These events are not unrelated. Both the American military and the French Military are organizing against the globalists. This is stage one which is to identify who the enemy is.

Australia, Japan, France and the US just concluded joint military drills in preparation to fight China. This was done with NATO oversight (France and the US), and Biden had no command actions or oversight in this important drill. This represents part of the breakaway of France and the US, who’s governmental leadership is decidedly pro-CHICOM. When we combine items #2 and #3 on this list, the coincidence factor fades and it is clear that the French military and the American military have the same goal.

Some of my colleagues in the alt media have this information. Russia and China have been skirmishing on China’s northern border. Putin, has had enough. He has released India from its pledge to Russia to not attack China without Russian approval. India is in the mood to do so as India has been hit by a Chinese bioweapon that has paralyzed the country. This is not Covid-19!  I expect to see India becoming much more aggressive against in the coming days.

Putin has not attacked Ukraine. Russia needs a “pass-through” Ukraine to get their natural gas to Europe at a cheap price. Despite this important need, Putin now has dry fields and can roll in his tanks, has chosen not to act. Why? As I reported a month ago, Putin and Trump met and Netanyahu is onboard with any plan that will remove Macron and Biden and his handlers. This is a dangerous move for Putin, because if his invasion of Ukraine is not completed by Septembers, his mechanized forces will be caught in potentially wet fields and could be defeated!

The Queen of England, who now is in control of the Navy, along with American military commanders ordered a withdrawal of allied forces (UK, US, Netherlans) from the Black Sea in which Putin said he was ready to strike because this action interfered with his Ukrainian plans. Putin, at this point does not want war with the United States. In fact, Putin has told India that Russia will not interfere should they decide to attack their main enemy, India. Plans have been set into motion which illustrates that Biden is not involved in various nations aliging against China. This Pacific-based alliance consists of the following nations:

1. United States without Biden oversight.

2. UK with the Queen in charge.

3. Australia

4. India

5. Japan

6. Taiwan

7. Philippines (used as a staging area)

8. Soon to be South Korea as their troubled relationship with Japan must be worked out.

No doubt people are wondering about how the Biden administration has been marginalized from the military. This is really old news! Here is the report I filed as far back as January 22, 2021 which exposed the fact that Biden is being ignored by much of the military.

From Sam Honnold:

Both Sam Honnold and Hal Turner have said the same thing.

The three main forces converging are the #CSG21 Carrier Strike Group in the Indian Ocean, the #PacificIron Air Force exercise amassing aircraft in Guam & Tainan, and the #TalismanSabre2021 exercises underway in Australia. Japan, India, the Phillipines, South Korea, and Taiwan are all involved, sending ships to these buildups and ready to do their part for a free and open Indo-Pacific.

The three main forces converging are the #CSG21 Carrier Strike Group in the Indian Ocean, the #PacificIron Air Force exercise amassing aircraft in Guam & Tainan, and the #TalismanSabre2021 exercises underway in Australia. Japan, India, the Phillipines, South Korea, and Taiwan are all involved, sending ships to these buildups and ready to do their part for a free and open Indo-Pacific.  These alliances, as the military buildup, did not happen overnight and this article will only be a summary with a vast number of links to prove what the conservative president of El Salvador tweeted of the pandemic in March 2020 "Some people might not have realized that World War III has already begun."

These force buildups are above and beyond the normal US carrier group patrol deployments and force rotations, and aside from the simmering border conflict between China and nuclear-armed India.  This is one likely ignition point for global conflict with China, and both sides are amassing troops and materiél in the contested Himalayan highlands.  India is doing even more to prepare, reaching out to the US for F-18 carrier-capable fighter planes and rushing the completion of a more modern second aircraft carrier to take the fight to China (Articles 12, 13, 14 & 18).  Japan has been threatened with a nuclear first strike (Article 2) because of joining the "Quad" and increasing military cooperation with the US and Taiwan, and sending ships to both #CSG21 and #TalismanSabre2021.  Japan is also a carrier power, with both her Izuma-class flat-tops probably F-35 capable, as promised publicly by Donald Trump himself.  Taiwan is the nation that knows she is fighting for her very existence, and has been furiously building coastal patrol ships bristling with new missiles.  Taiwan received a visit by a US aircraft Friday,  only adding to China's ire over previous visits.  South Korea began entry into the mini carrier arms race the moment Trump took office, talking of buying 20 F-35s and planning to fly AV-8B Sea Harriers off their flat deck ships (the US and Britain have many retired Sea Harriers on hand) in the interim.  The Phillipines are severing ties with China and had a mysterious crash of a military aircraft July 3 after stating that intention.  This great nation is strategically vital in any battle for the Pacific, aside from its own ability to project military power, for manpower, resources, and port facilities such as Subic Bay where extensive repairs can be made to warships in addition to rearming and resupply.  Even in the Americas, nations are preparing for global conflict and defense of the continent with projected sea power.  Brazil, after years without an operational carrier, repurposed their flat top NAe Atlantico as an aircraft carrier, raising the eyebrows of journalists everywhere.  What aircraft would she carry?  Was there a verbal arrangement between Trump and Bolsonaro to provide F-35s?  What about the mothballed CATOBAR capable NAe São Paulo and the F4 airwing that had flown from her?  What would be the future of Brazil's domestic production of the Saab Gripen fighter (of which there is a carrier variant)?  All this is aside from the three main prongs if "exercises" that China is upset about...

The UK Ministry of Defence tweeted April 26th that #CSG21 "will be the largest concentration of maritime and air power to ever leave the UK. Led by HMS Queen Elizabeth..."  That was before transiting the Suez Canal to link up with the US 5th fleet, the 5th fleet itself having been recently and suspiciously bolstered by the USS Ronald Reagan supercarrier.  After converging, the USS Iwo Jima and HMS Queen Elizabeth flat-tops sailed on the flanks of the Reagan, and commanders from both great English-speaking powers couldn't resist posting a gloating pic of those three great ships underway with their escorts.  One more important ally in this strike group is the Netherlands.  Dutch frigate HMNLS Evertsen is on the picket line, just as the Royal Dutch Navy stood by with US forces in the Caribbean in July 2020 during the greatest possibility of a Venezuela intervention.  The royal families of the world are realigning and beginning to retake power from their parliaments before the historical civility of their dominions is lost; two such houses are allied with Uncle Sam and the Japanese in the eastward-sailing super strike group, #CSG21.

In Australia, the ongoing #TalismanSabre2021 exercises are practicing amphibious assaults and include another F-35 capable capital ship, the USS America.  She joins an Austrailian flat-top, HMAS Canberry, which (as her sister ship HMAS Adelaide) was designed to carry fixed wing aircraft and has a ski jump deck to launch them.  Aside from their sea control capability as aircraft platforms, the ability to land troops and hundreds of vehicles presents a problem for China as pertains to Taiwan.  If these ships were to land friendly forces suddenly on Taiwan, a Chinese invasion would be more likely repelled by allied troops, armor, and missile defenses.  "In addition to the U.S. and Australia, this year’s exercise involves participating forces from Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, and the United Kingdom and delegations from India, Indonesia, France, and Germany will observe the exercise." (Article 35)  Canada, New Zealand, and Australia are all former British colonies and are members today of the "Commonwealth".  Great Britain's Queen Elizabeth II is, at 95 years of age, the head of state for all these nations.  It seems the queen is clawing back power from the British parliament and even the divided civil governments of Commonwealth nations, and is determined to confront China.  British soldiers and sailors all swear an oath to her personally and British ships are Her Majesty's ships.  Australian naval vessels are each christened HMAS--Her Majesty's Australian Ship, and she can command them as their owner and as the sovereign to their respective captains.  Queen Elizabeth is proving herself a dragoness in spirit if not in fact, and is resolute in leading a global rebellion against that Leviathan--China.  Another little secret--there are F/A-18F Super Hornet and  F-22 air superiority fighters from Alaska on the ground down under, in addition to the vast F-22 deployment to Guam.  The Haiwangxing, a  second Chinese spy ship, is steaming to join the customary single observer (Tianwangxing)  already lurking off the Queensland coast to observe Talisman Saber.

The Chinese complaint about "The US Air Force mission" could only refer to #PacificIron, an exercise kept very quiet until a few days ago.  In December, the US Air Force announced that a new base would be constructed on the island of Tinian "in case Guam gets knocked out".  Tinian was militarized in WW2 for B-29 operations against Japan 1500 miles away, and would be used again to build redundancy against the possibility of a nuclear strike to the very small island of Guam.  Evidently Tinian is now a fully operational battle station, as evidenced by the 25 F-22 Raptors on dispersed bases there and on Guam....
There is one caveat. #CSG21 is presently stationary and in range of the Chinese-Indian border, where the Indian military has amassed 250,000 troops! The static nature of #CSG21 brings in the need for the direct participation of Japan. Four days ago, Japan publicezed a national security paper in which it stated that they would join a US coalition to defend Taiwan in case of a CHICOM attack.  Japan's role as a deterrent to a Chinese attack on Taiwan allows #CSG21 to stay in immediate support of the 250,000 Indian troops that are preparing to engage China in a ground conflict. Waiting....waiting.... this is what the world is doing. However, according to Sam Honnold, China says they are ready to strike against the US and its allies. China says it is going to strikethe 3 forces before they are attacked.

Other Variables
Why would the US military go against Biden? They know he's a CHICOM operative who is deeply compromised because of the actions of the Biden crime family with Hunter Biden leading the way. However, there is a lot more to this scenario.

A senior level Federal LEO recently stated in an interview on The Common Sense Show.tv that the Democrats are desperate. They are in a race to 2022. If they do not get the country locked down by 2022, many of them will be tried and executed for treason. This iswhy they are engaged in trying to start a civil war. Biden has already reached out to the UN to come in and evaluate racism in America. This is a prelude to UN intevention on American soil under the Kigali Principles. Further, America is preparing to be locked down again in a defensive move against a military counter-coup against Biden under the cover of world war. Most of America's senior commanders undertsand if the UN (ie the Chinese) get their hooks into America, all of these commanders will be executed. They have nothing to lose. We can also expect to see massive false flags on American soil as Biden will look to foreign help to maintain power.  Other domestic and foreign policy variables, which impact this WW III scenario will be analyzed in future articles. This is the fight for the ultimate control of America.

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