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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3.3

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From Amir —

Russian President Vladimir Putin said today (Wednesday) that the West is not interested in World War III because it knows it will not win it.  This is in his reference to an incident last week with a Russian destroyer in the Black Sea, which he described as a "provocation" designed to test Moscow's response.  He even claimed that an American spy plane operated in coordination with the British ship.

"Even if we were to sink this ship, the world would not be approaching World War III because those who did know they could not win this war, and that is very important," Putin said when asked if these events might have led to World War III, during the annual event where  He answers live questions from Russian citizens.

So the bear is being poked and lining up …. Do you ever wonder if they read Bible prophecy :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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Starts @ 2:04 marker point   … the Dragon and the Bear  are up to trouble …


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Another avenue to peace and safety?  Iraq wants to be a peacemaker, will this build up Babylon?

A unique tripartite summit was held yesterday in Baghdad by Iraq, Jordan and Egypt. Hear how Iraq is positioning itself to be the new regional peacemaker, broaching subjects including the ongoing Syrian civil war, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and mediation between Iran and Arab countries.


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Canada's new record for hottest temperature is 121F (49.6C) in Lytton, British Columbia.

This is hotter than Las Vegas' highest recorded temperature and Lytton is over a thousand miles further north.


Now Lytton has been destroyed by a wildfire. Just awful. 🙁


Wouldn't surprise me in the least if this little town was sacrificed by the luciferians on the altar of climate change fraud. Why else would this tiny town be making worldwide news?

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Iraq is angry over strikes to U.S. allies, and is warning, “Don’t use them to attack Syria and Iran”

Starts at 3:14 marker


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Starts @ 4:10 marker


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Good grief …


The far-left climate change fascists at Time Magazine now say your home air conditioning systems must be sacrificed in order to save the planet. 

The troubled history of air-conditioning suggests not that we chuck it entirely but that we focus on public cooling, on public comfort, rather than individual cooling, on individual comfort.

How far will the Climate Change fascists go? All the way. If you let them, they will reduce you to living a box made by a 3-D modeler, wearing only recycled clothing, eating ‘meat’ grown in a laboratory, with no individuals owning personal transportation. Not only that, your 3-D box will not be allowed to have air conditioning. That’s the dystopian future that Time Magazine envisions for you and your loved ones. To paraphrase Charlton Heston, you’ll have to come pry it out of my “cold, dead hands.” Ice cold, that is.

“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” 2 Peter 3:10

Is our climate changing drastically, yes, it surely is, and it is doing it at the command of Jesus Christ. The changes are taking place in preparation of the coming judgment on the whole world that will take place in the time of Jacob’s trouble. What can mankind do to stop it? Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada, Zip. But there is something you can do to prepare for it.

If you are saved, you can prepare for this time by witnessing the gospel of the grace of God to as many people as you possibly can. Get some gospel tracts, witness to your friends and neighbors, tell them about the coming Pretribulation Rapture and how they can be a part of it.

If you are lost, you are in deep, deep trouble right here and right now. Not only will you miss the Rapture of the Church, you will be left behind to face Antichrist in the time of Jacob’s trouble.

Air Conditioning Feels Great, But It’s Terrible for the Planet. Here’s How to Fix That

From TIME Magazine: Comfort cooling began not as a survival strategy but as a business venture. It still carries all those symbolic meanings, though its currency now works globally, cleaving the world into civilized cooling and barbaric heat. Despite what we assume, as a means of weathering a heat wave, individual air-conditioning is terribly ineffective. It works only for those who can afford it. But even then, their use in urban areas only makes the surrounding micro-climate hotter, sometimes by a factor of 10ºF, actively threatening the lives of those who don’t have access to cooling. (The sociologist Eric Klinenberg has brilliantly studied how, in a 1995 Chicago heat wave, about twice as many people died than in a comparable heat wave forty years earlier due to the city’s neglect of certain neighborhoods and social infrastructure.)

Ironically, research suggests that exposure to constant air-conditioning can prevent our bodies from acclimatizing to hot weather, so those who subject themselves to “thermal monotony” are, in the end, making themselves more vulnerable to heat-related illness. The troubled history of air-conditioning suggests not that we chuck it entirely but that we focus on public cooling, on public comfort, rather than individual cooling, on individual comfort.

Ensuring that the most vulnerable among the planet’s human inhabitants can keep cool through better access to public cooling centers, shade-giving trees, safe green spaces, water infrastructure to cool, and smart design will not only enrich our cities overall, it will lower the temperature for everyone.  It’s far more efficient this way. 

To do so, we’ll have to re-orient ourselves to the meaning of air-conditioning. And to comfort. Privatized air-conditioning survived the ozone crisis, but its power to separate—by class, by race, by nation, by ability—has survived, too. Comfort for some comes at the expense of the life on this planet.

It’s time we become more comfortable with discomfort. Our survival may depend on it.


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In a very nice way, let me tell you were they can go ——- the lake of fire is waiting for those loonie tunes — give up AC —- NEVER! I just spent 4 hours making my week supply of GF zucchini muffins and the gas oven really heats things up, so I am super thankful for my TRANE and as they say, “Nothing stops a TRANE” :mdrmdr: : :mdrmdr:

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I don't have an air conditioner but it rarely gets hot enough to warrant one.

For a lot of people, though, it is a necessity. It would literally make some places unlivable, otherwise.

Just one more outrageous statement by the climate change cult. However, serious climate change is right around the corner and there is nothing they can do about it.

Things are going to get exponentially worse in the Tribulation when it heats up and the electrical grid goes off line. There definitely won't be air conditioning or even fans for many, many people. 🙁

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:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

New Government in Jerusalem CONFIRMS the Abraham Accords for Israel as the US Senate passes Israel relations Normalization Act.

When it comes to the Abraham Accords, the concerns about change in Israel seem to be unwarranted, with the new government ready to push them to their maximum potential.

When Joe Biden was installed as the pretend president of the United States back in January, many people wrote to me saying that this would likely spell the end of the Abraham Accords, and even more so should Benjamin Netanyahu be removed from office in Israel, which he was in June. But knowing from reading my King James Bible that the Abraham Accords were the direct link to the Daniel 9:27 covenant that Antichrist will confirm after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church takes place, I confidently told them not to worry, the Abraham Accords are here to stay.

Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem. Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.” Isaiah 28:14-18

When it comes to the Abraham Accords, the concerns about change in Israel seem to be unwarranted, with the new government ready to push them to their maximum potential. Or as Lapid said at the Israeli Embassy in Abu Dhabi this week: “What we are doing here today is not the end of the road; it’s the beginning.” reports the Jerusalem Post today. “The foreign minister’s trip is the opening salvo in what is expected to be a rapid advancement of the relations, just as the UAE had visualized when diplomatic ties were first made public last year. A long line of Israeli ministers is expected in the Gulf state, each set to sign bilateral agreements in their areas, from agriculture to science to tourism. Bennett is considering a visit to the opening of Expo 2020 in Dubai, where Israel is constructing a pavilion.” 😉   [Hmmm …  I didn’t realize the new PM of Israel, Naftali Bennett wanted to attend that Expo last year!]

Meanwhile over in America, the United States Senate just passed a bill called the Israel Relations Normalization Act, which is a complete and total confirmation of the Abraham Accords put in place by former President Trump and Jared Kushner. Here are some key points to consider:

Require the State Department to provide a strategy to strengthen and expand the Abraham Accords and other related normalization agreements with Israel.
Require the State Department to report on the status of anti-normalization laws  affecting Israel in Arab League states.

Today, I applaud the senate foreign relations committee for advancing this bipartisan legislation out of committee.  Building on the Abraham Accords to strengthen the relationship between Israel and its neighbors is not only a vital US security interest but is also important for PEACE and ECONOMIC PROSPERITY in the region,” said Senator Booker.  “Our Bipartisan bill leverages American diplomacy to foster momentum to enable the Abraham Accords to reach their full potential.  While reaffirming US policy to support a 2 state solution.  I’m PROUD to stand with my colleagues across the aisle to continue the strong bipartisan commitment to Israel’s long term SECURITY and look forward to a larger vote on the senate floor.”


If you read and believe your King James Bible, then you know the following things to be true. You know that Israel is going to be divided in the upcoming Two State Solution, because Joel 3:2 tells you it will be. You know that there has to be an end times peace accord that will snare Israel, the Abraham Accords, because Daniel 9:27 and Isaiah 28:14 tells you there will be. You know that there will be a One World Religion in place, Chrislam, at the same time the Antichrist confirms the covenant with Israel, because Revelation 13:11 tells you there will be.

Everything is in place, next up is Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines, are you ready for what comes next?

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