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2020 Off to a Roaring Start – Better Buckle-Up Part 6

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Problem brewing —- embargo ends Sunday — maybe we go this weekend, it’s currently “peaceful“ in the Middle East — today and tomorrow :calvin


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Big to do PEACE event coming up on Oct 20th in Rome ... keep staying alert and watchful because false peace is in the air :whistle:


Pope Francis to Attend Interreligious Chrislam Peace and Fraternity’ event in Rome

from Now the End Begins

FROM CATHOLIC WORLD REPORT: The prayer service will be held at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli in the afternoon on Tuesday, Oct. 20, and will include participants from other Christian traditions. Following the prayer, Pope Francis will also join in a ceremony with representatives of the world’s major religions, to take place in Campidoglio Square.

The ecumenical service is called “An encounter of prayer for peace in the spirit of Assisi”, and the theme is “no one is saved alone” - peace and fraternity”.

The square, which sits on Rome’s Capitoline Hill, was designed by Michelangelo. The square’s surrounding buildings house a city museum and Rome’s town hall. The Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli is also on the Capitoline Hill.

In addition to pope Francis, other participants will include ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople; Haim Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France; Mohamed Abdelsalam Abdellatif, the Muslim General Secretary of the higher committee of human fraternity; and Buddhist Shoten Minegishi.

The interreligious ceremony will follow the prayer service. It will include speeches, the proclamation and delivery of the 2020 Appeal for Peace, the lighting of a peace candle, and a socially distanced sign of peace. A minute of silence will be observed to remember the victims of wars and of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Hmmm...maybe the Frankenpope will pull strings to make peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

The cat licks are still upset about the Armenian Church splitting from the cat lick church in 451 AD.

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That’s hilarious Arthur :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: cat- lick :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: freken -poop (slight change, extra o) :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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Again the politics of men don't shape my faith or hope!

As mentioned, Satan surely is tuned into the Church!  Even if he knew how near we are, what could he do differently?!

His whole goal is to keep as many of God's children from worshipping and loving Jesus!

Those last seven years have been given to him by God!  Not for his purposes, but for God's!


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Absolutely correct TR — he (satan) believes himself to be in charge, NOT! He walks to the beat of God’s drum and can only do what God allows him to and whatever he does, it is all to move God’s declared perfect Will forward to accomplish His Devine purpose. What an awesome Heavenly Father we have.
The weekend is my typical days to add to my memory work and today I added a truly inspirational verse set, especially the last two verses ...

1 Corinthians 1:4-8 “I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge, even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you, so that you are not lacking in any gift, <u>as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ</u>.”


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Will Israel dissolve the government and go back to elections now that the Abraham Accord has been passed? Will this breakdown usher in the chaos needed for the man of sin to be revealed?

Gantz wants the budget passed by the end of October, perhaps Oct 31 we will get to go home?! :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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Very interesting indeed — peer pressure — can be a beautiful thing :mdrmdr:

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