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2020 Off to a Roaring Start - Better Buckle-Up Part 3

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Oh Geri!  G R O A N ! !  Yessss!!  But we're probably showing our age.  Nowadays  if you go to buy something you just swipe it.  In my day a kid would get beaten up for swiping things.  Especially swiping some kid's piggy bank.

Maybe September 17 / 18 will put an end to our inane jokes as we finally acquire our divine nature in full.  Not that we'll lack humor, but it will be universally and absolutely funny.  On 9/17 we'll go from hither to Yawn!

Hush up, Dan!  :yes: :stinkerbell:

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Ouch —- ok, my turn..... tee hee!

Back in the day, when football was supreme and we all loved to see the game ... someone would ask — what is the best use of pig skin —— everybody would shout —— football!
But truth be know the best thing pig skin is for is to hold the pig together- yaky, yaky! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :groan

yep, lookin forward to the glorified humor too :calvin

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Hee hee hee ...   Well in May I finally emptied my 1970’s mega glass piggy bank called “This Little Piggy Went to Market” ... and the guy in town sold it @ his shop in 4 weeks time to some highfalutin  “sucka” millennial.   I got a nice check in return. B-)

Now I’m stuck with tons of quarters, JFK half dollar coins,  $2.00 bills (remember those?), buffalo nickels, dimes and lots of “common” cents (pennies galore). 😉   Now I’m ready, if we are still here in 2021, and have to barter for food & supplies  :whistle:

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I'm with Tammie!


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More technology for the Tribulation. RoboCop coming to a city near you.

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Indeed Arthur, previous temples were located in the city of David, not at temple mount or wailing wall!

So building Temple elsewhere would make sense.  I don't understand why Rabbi's and historians insist on the wailing wall location!


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Well ...  September 17th (night of the super moon) is going to be an interesting day for sure!!!

Check out Geoffrey’s latest article ...


We will lay siege to the White House. And we will sustain it for exactly fifty days. This is the #WhiteHouseSiege.

If you thought that the last 4 months of watching America’s Democratically-controlled cities be set on fire, hundreds of millions in damage to minority-owned businesses, women raped, 13 people killed by the ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter domestic terror groups was something, just wait until September 17th. That’s the day that the basement-dwelling founders of Occupy Wall Street are going to attempt to combine all the anarchist groups and lay siege to the White House for 50 days. They have a better chance of success than you might think.

Adbusters is calling for a ‘new world order‘, sounds about right to me given the year 2020 has already been.

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Notice the siege is for 50 days ... #50 symbol of Freedom/Jubilee ...

Could this be why President Trump said you won’t see me for a while because he will go underground?  However, if he is saved and the Rapture happens on Sept 13th or 17th he will go up with us!


Here is an interesting article about Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty witnessing to Trump.


Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson Reveals the Moment He Shared the Gospel With President Trump

Brought to you by

By Billy Hallowell | August 20, 2020

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has revealed the fascinating moment he shared the gospel with President Donald Trump, proclaiming that he believes the commander-in-chief has personally embraced the gospel.

Robertson told the “Edifi With Billy Hallowell” podcast that he first met Trump during a pre-election get together in 2016. The two only had a few minutes together, but Robertson made the most of it, using the time to share the gospel with Trump.

Listen to “Edifi With Billy Hallowell” — the official podcast of Edifi, a new Christian podcast app that aggregates the best faith-inspiring Christian podcasts across a variety of subjects — to hear Robertson reveal how he shared the gospel with the president:

“I reached in my pocket and I pulled out a diagram of the gospel, an arrow coming down out of heaven — God becoming flesh — the cross, the tomb, and an arrow coming out of the tomb and the last arrow coming back down to earth,” Robertson explained. “I said, ‘Whatever happens, Trump, don’t miss this.”

Trump asked for an explanation of the image and that’s when Robertson told him that Jesus died for his sins, explaining that Jesus came to Earth to redeem mankind.

Robertson believes the message had an impact, because Trump asked if he could keep the diagram. The two later talked again and Robertson again shared some important scriptures.

“I’m convinced he’s put his faith in Jesus and I’m convinced he’s a brother,” Robertson said, adding that the president is a work in progress.

Robertson also talked about the positive influence of his “Unashamed” podcast and his TV show “Phil in the Woods.”

“All we’re doing is we’re reaching out to our neighbor, and we’re telling them to love their God, repent and turn to God, walk like Jesus did,” he said. “Love God and love your neighbor … I do not see the downside to that.”

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The downside is for those that refuse Christ!


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Well forget January 2021 ... the mandatory vaxx is ready by .... NOVEMBER 1st ... surely the Church is long gone by September?? :prayer-hands:

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Here’s a thought ... perhaps this vaxx unveiling for Nov 1st gets delayed because of the rapture and the chaos and G/M attack ... but that war is 1 day or less.  Then the AC will quickly pick up the covenant that was made this Sept with the many (22 Arab countries).  The way things are quickly moving into place that covenant wouldn’t even have time to collect any dust or cobwebs. B-)   Then BAM the tribulation starts and the judgments kick in and Gates and company are not planning on that so its hard to tell how long they will be running and hiding in their underground shelters?  In God’s mercy perhaps this deadly vaxx is not unveiled until closer to mid point? :unsure:

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