2020 Off to a Roari...
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2020 Off to a Roaring Start-Better Buckle-Up Part 2

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The Late great planet earth was the first Bible prophecy book I read too.  It was in 1986, though.

Yeah,  things are really shaping up.  WFS.  ^^

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Hal Lindsey has steadfastly taught rapture year in and year out!


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Will the Covid-19 virus suddenly disappear into thin air and be non threatening or is that just wishful thinking since they got most of the world in fear and can’t let a good crisis go to waste with the goal of vaccinating the entire world at once.

Does this mean the church has 4 more years before the rapture occurs?

Given that the whole COVID thing has happened during Trump's presidency I do not see it going away once he is re-elected. COVID is the forerunner to the Mark.

The Church is waiting only for God to give the signal. A re-election of Trump does not mean we are hear for a nanosecond longer that God wills it. We could be taken before, during, or after the election.......except for you, Geri! You will have to wait until you begin to appreciate the fine aroma and taste of coffee!! 😉

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Fauci throws out first pitch (if you could describe it as that)  at the Washington Nationals baseball game.  Of course,  he was wearing uniform #19. Lame!

Anyway,  someone commented,  "Same as Covid - No chance of catching it. " Lol.


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:mdrmdr:   I was just about to totally approve your response ... until that last sentence! 🙁    Note:  I only pressed the like on the fingernail tip portion not the whole thumb, you hear?!  B-)

Now now ... you would actually be putting me in perkatory and you mocha me go crazy. :calvin

Here are some facts ... grounds of all kind (including cough-fee) remain on planet earth to get judged * ... but don’t worry ... its still sip sip hooray to unlimited cups of royal par-tea leafy drinks in the heavens. :whistle:

* Genesis 3:17 .... “ cursed is the ground(s)” :yes:

By the way while at the grocery store today I was forced to walk down the one way coffee aisle and one good thing about wearing a mask ... I didn’t smell the horrific foul odor coming out of the beans!   Oh wait ... isn’t that one of the symptoms of having the virus ... no smell? :scratch:


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The following I have learned from other watchers on the internet:  During Pentecost the Disciples were accused of being drunk on new wine. Based on when grapes are harvested and the time it takes to ferment, true Pentecost had to happen in July. Also, many years previous to that, Moses went back up the mountain for a second time because he broke the first tablets, and this would have delayed True Pentecost. And go back further, it has been said that the covenant with Noah after the flood was on Pentecost. So it only makes sense that the next dispensation (the rapture) could be on Pentecost. God is orderly. Considering the convergence of prophetic events along with the aforementioned Biblical events, I don’t see how our departure can be put on hold for much longer. I appreciate all my new friends here at RITA and others on the internet such as Steve Monette, Dr Awe, and Bro Chooch. What a blessing. It’s hard to find like-minded people elsewhere. See you soon!

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“Tina Tipster” here reporting today’s headline news ...

Holy Moly how much money does this guy have if he can spare $50 million?!!

“Billionaire George Soros Gives Whopping $50M to Help Biden and Other Dems Win US Elections”

I hope we are not here for this scenario ...


Meanwhile Biden’s pick for running mate looms ... will he choose Hillary?  Here she is without makeup ... :scratch:


And sadly the numbers for COVID-19 keep rising ...


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Brings a whole new meaning to the term idiot box.  Lol.

As far as Hillary goes,  brings a whole new meaning to the term,  "Batter up! "

Seriously,  the mummy looks fresher.  :mdrmdr:

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LOL, that was priceless, Arthur ... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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I hope Soros spends his entire fortune on the US election and LOSES!!!

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