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2020 Off to a Roaring Start-Better Buckle-Up Part 2

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Here’s some comic relief ...

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Just need what,  where and when and why organizations for the UN.

WHO - World "Health" organization.

WHAT - World Helping Antichrist Thrive

WHERE - World Heathen Everywhere Rejoice Endlessly

WHEN - World Heretic Evil Network

WHY - World Hates Yeshua

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Lol!  TR

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:popcorn :popcorn

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Meanwhile  the dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt continues to heat up ...

Per Amir’s twitter 2 hrs ago

#Ethiopia ‘deploys missiles’ as #Nile dispute with #Egypt escalates Egypt sees Ethiopia's Great Renaissance Dam as an existential threat.  Al-Sisi ordered the Egyptian armed forces to be on the “highest state of alert”. https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2020/5/19/ethiopia-deploys-missiles-as-nile-dispute-with-egypt-escalates

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the fulfillment of Ezekiel 29:6-12 could happen soon!

6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD, because they have been a staff of reed to the house of Israel. 7 When they took hold of thee by thy hand, thou didst break, and rend all their shoulder: and when they leaned upon thee, thou brakest, and madest all their loins to be at a stand. 8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee, and cut off man and beast out of thee. 9 And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste; and they shall know that I am the LORD: because he hath said, The river is mine, and I have made it. 10 Behold, therefore I am against thee, and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia. 11 No foot of man shall pass through it, nor foot of beast shall pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited forty years. 12 And I will make the land of Egypt desolate in the midst of  the countries that are desolate, and her cities among the cities that are laid waste shall be desolate forty years: and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries” (Ezek. 29:6-12).


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Woe ... check out what Russia is up to ...

Transferred 14 fighter jets to Libya to gain control of the oil ports in the region.   Makes sense now how Libya will be part of the G/M team players :popcorn


What Is Russia Doing in Libya? Pentagon Warns of Escalation As Putin Sends Fighter Jets
By David Brennan on 5/27/20 AT 9:37 AM EDT

The U.S. has accused Russia of upping the stakes in Libya by sending fighter jets to support Russian mercenaries fighting there, as rival factions struggle for control of the war-torn nation more than nine years after rebels first rose up against late dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Russian President Vladimir Putin—along with Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia—is backing strongman Khalifa Haftar, who heads the Libyan National Army (LNA). He is fighting the United Nations-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA), which is now being supported militarily by Turkey and diplomatically by the U.S. and other Western nations.

U.S. Africa Command (Africom) released a statement Tuesday detailing what it said was the deployment of Russian MiG-29 fighter jets to the Al Jufrah air base in central Libya. Africom said the planes left Russia and stopped in Syria—where they were "repainted to camouflage their Russian origin" before continuing to Libya.

Africom did not say when the jets arrived in the region, but suggested they had been deployed to support Russian mercenaries employed by the Wagner Group—a private military company owned by Putin associate Yevgeny Prigozhin that has sent fighters to Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, Sudan and the Central African Republic, among other nations.

Russia is clearly trying to tip the scales in its favor in Libya," said Africom commander General Stephen Townsend. "For too long, Russia has denied the full extent of its involvement in the ongoing Libyan conflict. Well, there is no denying it now."

Townsend continued: "Neither the LNA nor private military companies can arm, operate and sustain these fighters without state support—support they are getting from Russia."

The deployment of Russian jets marks a new stage in the conflict, and a new willingness from Haftar's backers to show they mean business. Claudia Gazzini, a Libya expert at the Crisis Group, told Newsweek their appearance "is a big development" and goes beyond the violations of the 2011 UN arms embargo and drone deployments reported on both sides to date.

Rather than an offensive, the Russian jets—as many as 14, according to the Pentagon—appear to have been deployed to discourage GNA forces from continuing their counter-attack into central Libya. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday the time is right for a ceasefire and some form of power-sharing to end the conflict.

Still, even if the planes are not there for an imminent offensive, they could be used to support LNA and allied units defending against GNA attacks. The jets could also be used for strategic bombing behind the front lines, attacking GNA infrastructure and endangering civilians too.

Africom warned that Russia's actions risked prolonging the conflict and exacerbating "casualties and human suffering on both sides."

Those nations backing the two factions are keen to retain influence in a post-conflict Libya, which despite years of chaos still offers valuable strategic access to the Mediterranean Sea. Russian access to Libyan ports along with those in Syria—secured thanks to Moscow's backing of President Bashar al-Assad in his brutal civil war—could give the Kremlin another power base there.

Libya is still home to the largest oil reserves in Africa, even though years of turmoil have greatly degraded the ability to extract the natural resource. Nonetheless, a more stable nation offers a valuable long-term source of oil.

Anton Mardasov of the Middle East Institute suggested that it is premature to suggest Russia is planning to a Syria-style intervention in Libya. Nonetheless, he said Moscow would like to "make up for the investments it lost as a result of the Gaddafi regime's downfall in 2011" and retain leverage over what comes next for the country.

Libya—which Gazzini described as a "free-for-all"—offers the opportunistic Putin a chance to frustrate U.S. strategy, and exploit a key foreign policy failing of President Barack Obama's administration.

Though the U.S.—along with its NATO allies—provided air support for rebels battling Gaddafi, the country quickly fell into chaos once the dictator was dead. NATO seemed to have no plan and no will to stick around, making Libya yet another failed foreign war for the West and another propaganda win for its rivals.

The commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa, General Jeff Harrigian, warned in the Africom statement that increased Russian influence in Libya would be a strategic challenge for the U.S. and its NATO allies.

If Russia seizes basing on Libya's coast, the next logical step is they deploy permanent long-range anti-access area denial capabilities," he said. "If that day comes, it will create very real security concerns on Europe's southern flank."

Libya is an "easy opportunity for Russia to make a bold move," Gazzini said. It plays into the broader rivalries in the Mediterranean, for example in Syria where Russia and Turkey are also backing different sides in the northwest of the country.

Turkish drones that inflicted significant damage to Syrian forces during last year's Idlib offensive are also supporting GNA troops in Libya, destroying Russian hardware with seemingly little difficulty. Now, Russia is demonstrating its willingness to invest in Libya and wield its influence.

The deployment will be costly for Russia, which has already spent vast sums in Syria and is now grappling with the coronavirus slowdown and historically low oil prices.

"I wonder who's picking up the bill for all of this," Gazzini said. "I doubt this is entirely Russian funded," she added, suggesting that other Haftar backers such as Egypt and the UAE will likely have given the green light to and be helping fund the fighter deployment.

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The Bear has been busy ... :popcorn   I thought they booted Assad out a few weeks ago but I reckon they found some use for him ...


Russia delivers advanced MiG-29 fighters to Assad

The handover to Syria of a squadron plus of Russian MiG-29 fighter jets is confirmed by Moscow. Syria’s SANA news agency reported on May 30 that a ceremony for the handover of “advanced and modernized” MiG-29s took place at Russia’s Khmeimim air base in western Syria and would start flying missions on June 1. The Assad regime is expected to relieve the Russian air force pilots of some of their minor operations.

A Syrian military source denied that any of the new batch of Russian jets would be transferred to a third country. They were delivered “within the framework of defense cooperation” between Moscow and Damascus, he said. Their delivery to Syria had “nothing to do with Libya” or the transfer of Russian fighter aircraft to that country in late May. (That delivery to Khalifa Haftar’s Benghazi-based army was confirmed by the US African Command, which said 14 Russian MiG-29 fighter jets and Su-24 fighter bombers were flown to Libya via Syria, where their markings were painted over at Hmeimim air base to disguise their identity.)

Far from drawing down Russia’s military foothold in Syria, President Vladimir Putin is reported by DEBKAfile’s Mid East sources, to be busy extending it – both to the northwest and the northeast. More land has been acquired around the Khmeimim air base in Latakia; and territory inland appropriated for adding to the Russian sea base at the Mediterranean port of Tartous.

Moscow, which has acquired rights for the use of the Kamishli air base – an enclave in the Kurdish lands, not far from the US bases in northeastern Syria – is on the lookout for real estate in surrounding territory. Local witnesses report that Russian officers turned up last week in the village of Qasir Dib, near the northeastern-most corner of Syria, near its border with Turkey and Iraq, and showed interest in setting up another base there.

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Iranian troops didn’t leave the Syrian region ... instead they are mingling in and wearing the uniforms of Assad’s Syrian army and stationed near the border of Israel  ... :popcorn


Despite Israeli strikes, Iranian forces massing on Syrian border
Tens of thousands of Iranian-linked militiamen have been integrated into Syrian army - with many of them now stationed near Israeli border.

Arutz Sheva
By Yochanan Visser 6/7/20

Multiple drones reportedly belonging to the Israeli Air Force (IAF) carried out a new series of airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias in the area of Deir Ez-Zur in eastern Syria over the weekend.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that a total of 8 airstrikes targeted the Afghan Liwa Fatemiyoun militia which was transferred to Syria on orders of Qassem Soleimani, the assassinated commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

The attack, which killed 12 Afghan militia members took place just before midnight on Sunday evening and destroyed recent fortifications and Iranian weapon deliveries to the bases of Liwa Fatemiyoun in the Deir Ez-Zur Province.

Although the IAF kept mum on the strikes, Rami Abdul Rahman, the director of SOHR, said he was confident Israel was responsible for the bombardment.

The incident on Sunday evening came just three days after Israeli warplanes used missiles to destroy another Iranian facility in west Syria in the vicinity of the city of Masyaf.

The Iranian staffed facility near Masyaf has been targeted before by the IAF and produces among other weaponry guided missiles. Syria reported that its air defenses were activated during the Israeli attack but no IAF plane was hit, a pattern that repeats itself every time Israel carries out airstrikes in Syria.

The attack on the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center, which is also known as CERS, a defense laboratory that manufactures chemical arms and advanced missiles was preceded by another Israeli aerial attack on Iranian militias in eastern Syria that killed five Iranian-trained fighters.

These attacks were successfully carried out despite the deployment of state-of-the-art Russian-made S300 and S400 surface-to-air missile batteries deployed in Syria on Assad’s request.

While the Russians have the ability to shoot down Israeli ware planes, the Kremlin has refrained from doing so thus far for political reasons Dmitry Danilov, head of the European Security Dept of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) revealed this weekend.

Danilov stressed that Moscow views both Syria and Israel as “partners in the Middle East conflict” but stopped short of explaining which conflict.

For us, Israel is as much a partner in international relations, including in the Middle East as is Syria according to the Russian scientist who explained that in a sense Russia “is falling in a trap because it’s difficult to respond to certain Israeli actions”. 

Russia doesn’t “consider Israel an adversary” Danilov added while repeating Russia has the ability to attack Israeli warplanes but doesn’t want to do it.

Former Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett reported in May that Iran was withdrawing some of its forces from Syria but sources inside the country put this claim to test over the weekend.  Instead of withdrawing forces Iran has simply changed its tactics in the devastated country. 

According to Iranian analyst Mostafa Najafi, a staggering 53,000 Iranian-backed militia members have merged into the army of dictator Bashar al-Assad and are still present along the border with Israel wearing Syrian army uniforms.

In times of crisis, Iran has shown that it is prone to change tactics, instead of strategies,” Najafi said.

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Hmmm :popcorn

Fire at power plant, chlorine leak at petrochemical plant in Iran
The two incidents are the latest in a series of incidents that have affected Iranian infrastructure in recent days.

By Jerusalem Post Staff
July 5, 2020

A fire broke out at the Shahid Medhaj Zargan power plant in the city of Ahvaz in southwestern Iran on Saturday and a chlorine leak sent dozens of employees to the emergency room at a petrochemical plant in the same region on Saturday, according to Iranian media. The fire at the Zargan power plant broke out after a transformer exploded, according to the semi-official Fars News Agency. A spokesman for the Iranian electricity industry later told Iranian media that the "connection" of one of the transformers caused the fire, not an explosion. No injuries were reported in the incident.

About an hour after the fire at the power plant, 70 people were injured due to a chlorine gas leak at the Karun Petrochemical Company, located south of Ahvaz, according to the Iranian IRNA news agency. The leak occurred after a pipe from a tank at the site ruptured. The cause of the rupture is being investigated, according to a local official. Initial measures were taken to close the valve and cut off the chlorine, immediatly after the incident, but 70 people inhaled chlorine gas in the meantime, according to IRNA. These two incidents are the most recent in a string of incidents that have affected Iranian infrastructure in recent days.

On Friday, June 26, an explosion was reported at a gas storage facility near Tehran. Iranian media reported that the incident happened in a "public area" in Parchin and not at a military site located nearby. Western security services believe Tehran carried out tests relevant to nuclear bomb detonations in Parchin more than a decade ago. Iran denies this. Days later, on June 30, another explosion happened at a medical facility in Tehran, killing at least 17 people. Two days later, a mysterious fire broke out at the Natanz nuclear facility in Isfahan Province, Iran damaging a new factory within the facility which, according to experts, was built with the purpose of producing centrifuges on a large scale.

Iranian officials said on Friday that they believe the fire that broke at the Natanz facility on Thursday, may have been caused by a cyberattack and that Israel and the US may be responsible. On Friday Tehran announced that it had identified the source of fire but "due to security considerations" will not publish their findings at this time. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to address the incident in a press conference on Thursday.


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