2020 Off to a Roari...
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2020 Off to a Roaring Start-Better Buckle-Up Part 2

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Yes. Especially with the fallen angels being cast down to this earth. They’ll know their time is short so they’ll be giving out a lot of information and technology.

It’s going to be such an evil time. Brrrr...

Glad I won’t see it but it’s time to get the word out. I feel an urgency.

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July 31, 2020 .... Jewish flag is flown from the Temple Mount ... first time since 1967 ... (( Crickets ))    Will there be an uproar?  Or perhaps the muslims won’t even notice. :scratch:    Maybe by next week they will haul in a few cornerstones and building materials ...  :mdrmdr:   :popcorn :popcorn

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Heads up alert ... the end of August is the red heifer’s birthday (August 28, 2018).  If she passes the inspection test on August 29th ... she would then qualify for the priests to use to purify the 3rd temple since she will be of age ... 2 yrs old. :whistle:


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Moving forward on every front!  The world and their NWO agenda.

Israeli's with politics and third temple!

Heifers in waiting!

And signs the bride is receiving that her days upon the Earth are numbered!

A spiritual symphony is now being performed.  Climaxing with a Rapture!


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Yes indeed, its exciting to see all the prophetic events gelling together.   Soon very soon :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

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And we have this “he’s marching to the beat of a different drum ...” :whistle:

Makes sense now why they will require the mark in the forehead 🙁

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They will probably persuade many to take it too ... claiming it will automatically read your temperature so less time waiting in your car (if you have a smart phone and text plan) for a healthcare worker to walk to your car and to scan your forehead and give you clearance.   Not sure about your area ... but this has been the policy for the past few months in my state before you can visit your doctor/dentist/hospital.  Since I still carry the dumb phone with no text plan ... they got us standing in the long lines at the door for the temperature reading.  On Tuesday, I was given a sticker tag to apply to my shirt with a special assigned number proving I passed the clearance test. :wacko:

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Sounds super creepy!  Mind you,  everything about Elon Musk is super creepy.  *Ugh*

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Elon Musk has a clear plan and he likes his AI technology— super humans linked to computer technology is exactly where he is heading and the AC needs this ... very creepy indeed, thankful I will be gone! Have an important flight to catch any day now on Yeshua Air Flt 777 :flyup: :prayer-hands:

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Geoffrey Grider has an interesting article ...

Macron is touring de Beirut streets ... they are giving him the red carpet treatment :dieu: :wacko:    I wonder what he is promising them?  And where he is going to get the money ... perhaps Soros will hand out a few million in pocket change? :unsure:

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